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I had just got home from work and took out what I was going to cook for girls night. I decided on chicken and steak nachos and went into my room and shower before they got there. Once I was finished I went into the kitchen to start cooking the steak and chicken.

7:14 PM

"Oh whatever Yani you know you and Devy Dev are going to be together forever" Lonnie said

"Right, this man came down to Louisiana and didn't tell Dave his boy not caring he may get his assed whooped" Reya added

"I don't know ya'll I feel like he been acting different since we moved back. He barely home and when we do spend time together he always has to get up and leave to something" Yani sighed looking like she was on the verge of tears

I got up and sat by her and held her and she just let the tears go.

"Awwww it's ok boo he loves you and you know that" I told her

"You can love someone but still hurt them"

Reya, Lonnie and I looked at one another

"Yani stop thinking like that I think Devin would never make the mistake to cheat on you he will have to go through so many people and won't live to see another day"

We laughed "Yea you right" she said

"So on another note what are you going to wear for your birthday dinner tomorrow and did he say where he is taking you" Reya asked her

She shook her head "Nope didn't tell me where just said dress sexy, so I have this black dress I ordered" she explained

"Whhhaat you in a dress I don't believe it" I exclaimed

Yani never wore dresses, she has a unique style that fit her but was still cute.

"You only turn 25 once so why not" she shrugged

"You only turn 25 once so why not" she shrugged

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Devin and I were walking up this restaurant I had been wanting to try for a long time so I was excited to try the french food. Devin looked over at me and smiled and I smiled back. He looked so handsome in his black slacks and button up with some loafers and gucci cologne. As we walked into a private room I looked at him strange but he kept looking straight ahead. When the doors opened


I stood there in shock seeing all my friends and family even my friends from school all smiling and then I turned to look at Devin and gasped

He was on one knee

By this time I was in full blown tears not able to contain myself there was so much going on

"Yani Reene Carrol we have known one another for almost 10 years and have been a couple for 3, now I want to become one with you for the rest of our lives. You have been there for me through some tough times and couldn't think of anyone else I would want to spend my life with. Will you marry me?"

No words came out but I instantly shook my head yes

"Yes yes I will marry you"

He had the biggest smile as he slid the ring on my finger and everyone was in the background either yelling or crying.

We greeted everyone and had so many congrats coming our way. My mom and dad came over and I could see my mom had been crying and my dad had a grin on his face.

"My baby oh can't believe it" my mother said while hugging me

"Thanks mom I can't believe it myself I'm still in shock"

"Baby girl do you know how hard it was not to say nothing or slip up"

"Daddy you know" I said surprised

"Of course I did everyone did, Devin came to me and asked for your hand in marriage and I loved it because he is a respectful young man"

That meant a lot coming from my dad

"We couldn't be happier for you sweetie" my mother said while dabbing her eyes

"Congratulations biiiitch" Lonnie yelled and couldn't do anything but laugh

"Ya'll knew" I asked as I looked all three of them

"Hell yea we knew shit Kori helped pick the ring"

"Yesterday all of us were trying so hard not to say nothing when you were all upset I wanted to say bitch you about be engaged" Kori said laughing

"Awww thank ya'll so much for being such great friends now all we need is Kori and my cousin to stop playing"

She rolled her eyes "Look this is not about me this your night and besides looks like Dave has a date"

Sorry so short wanted to get something up for you all! Comment and Vote thanks!

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