'Remember Amata, restraints stop you magic but not your physical strength.'

"I am no demon bastard!!" I yelled at the guard. "Just free me off these restraints and I'll show you who I really am!!"

"Shut up demon!!" I reeled my head back as a fist almost hit me and bit hard in the leather, pushing my fangs through it and into the guards skin. "Let go you filthy animal!!" It took several attempt but in the end a punch sent me to the ground.

A smiled pulled across my face as I stared up at him, eyes flashing blue with hunger.

I yanked my arms apart, the vampire side on my powers just enhanced my strength and speed without affecting magic so it was one way to get free.
The chains groaned, quite rusty and old compared to the new and pristine looking things angels used for anything else.

I slammed the locks around my wrist together, breaking the rusty mechanism.

"I am no demon but I am much more!" I grinned, rolling away from a sword slash as I fit my hands under the collar and snapped it, fighting against my own mind that was pushing me to bite someone else at the same time.

My marking turned a purple as I swallowed my saliva while my hybrid form came to be, hunger is not something I like to deal with, I jumped from the ground, the stone cracking under the strain and slammed my fist in the face of my guard, grabbing his sword before he went flying and grabbed it in a reverse hold to stab it through the chest of the other one rushing at me from behind before shoving them away.

I looked at the king and rushed him, sword spun around and slashing at him.

In a flash a sword made of pure golden light clashed with my blade.

"So the daughter of the sun decided to show herself." He said all cocky, passing a hand through his short beard as this light sword stopped all my swings.

"If you know of me then you know why I am here!"

"Yes and I will never submit to weaker then me!!" His sword shoved me back and cut into my right shoulder.

"An oracle told me my death will come from the demons with the daughter of the sun and of course I prepared, no one will take what is rightfully mine from me."

"It is not yours!!" I looked at Timor who also freed his mouth. "You monster!! You killed my father!!"

"It is nice to see you again nephew tho I hoped the demons would have killed you."

"Fuck off!!"

"Kill them all!!"

"NO WAIT!!" I yelled as the guards holding my friends set their swords across their necks.

"What? You scared for your friends?" The king mocked me, I stood up finally.

"Don't hurt them... Please, do what you want with me but don't touch them!" I sighed as I saw Custos try to fight against the hold, eyes visibly pleading for me to not do this.

he grabbed his chin, thinking a while before grinning.

"Let's make a deal shall we? I don't hurt them but in exchange you disappear." I frowned.

"If I fail I will be reborn and brought back to finish my destiny." I lied, I didn't know if that would be true and if I did die Custos would too.

"That's why you will not die, just disappear."

"Promise on your life, promise that you won't hurt them." I am stupid, risking the whole world because of my emotions but I can't help it... Sorry mother...

"I promise on my life that no harm will come to them."

"Blood pact."

"You are so untrusting." He grinned. "But sure, too sooth your little mind that will soon not exist." He laughed, cutting his palm after removing his glove and so did I, the sting hurting but not enough to bother.

As I grabbed his hand, a ghostly chain only he and I cold see emerged from my shoulder, wrapped around my arm like a snake and up his before stabbing into his shoulder.

"What did you do?" He asked, wide eyes, freeing his arm when the chain vanished, having be unable too before.

"You've entered into a blood pact with the daughter of the sun dear bastard king, your word is absolute, if you break your promise my mother shall punish you herself."

"You vermin!!" I was punched. "Now disappear or I will kill them no matter the consequences." I knew he was serious so I sighed, hiding my fear and he saw. "Come." I followed, eye on the blades almost digging into my friends skin, almost to the point of cutting it open and spilling blood. "Jump." He pointed at the hole I now saw in the back of the room, it looked endless.

I looked back at Custos who was now crying.

"All those that enter disappear, never to be seen again."

I turned to glare at the king.

"I will be back." I promised.

"I'd like to see you try." He laughed loudly. "You have 5 seconds before I execute everyone."

I turned back.


"I will come back." I told them.


"And I love you, don't forget that." I said to Custos. "3." "I will always come back for you."


I faced the hole with a sigh and a last glare at the king.


I stepped off into the void, hearing my friends scream through their gags as darkness grabbed me and my mind turned off, going asleep.

I felt myself disappear and become nothing.

(this it the end of this book but I am about to publish the first chapter of the sequel called 'A Destiny's Finale' so don't worry the story is not over)

.The Child Of A Goddess.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora