2.Day of Dino (2)

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They all stood there looking at doctor Oliver who had just caught them sneaking into his house. Ethan decided to speak up first. "Doctor O before you go off can we explain why we are here?"

Connor looked at him. "Dude he's just going to laugh when we tell him." Rhea nodded in agreement of that statement. "Yeah of it were me I'd send you to a mental hospital."

"It's the truth he'll believe us." Ethan countered. Conner and Rhea looked at each other and sighed. "All right Kiras gone." He looked at them concerned now. "She got taken by these weird looking dinosaur things."

Rhea squinted her eyes whispering to them. "Uh I don't wanna go to a mental institution. " Conner nodded. "He doesn't look convinced."

Doctor oliver turned around. "They're called tyrannadrones." Rhea pursed her lips. "Well that clears it up."

"And you know that because......" Ethan trailed of. "I helped create them."

"Oh class project?" Ethan joked. "It's a long story for now we gotta figure out what they want with Kira."

They looked at each other. "It might have something to do with these." Conner removed the red and yellow gems.

Doctor Oliver looked at them sighing. Rhea smiled sheepishly. He took the gems in his hand walking around them. "We're really sorry. How were we supposed to know those things had like superpowers and those lizard dudes were going to come looking for them.".

Rhea nodded. "Yeah I mean your the one who took us to the museum in the first place so if anything it's kind of your fault."

He sighed taking in all the words they said to him. "I guess this isn't exactly something you see everyday." Ethan looked around. "Sort of like a science teacher with a ruins of ancient civilization under his house?"

"Like not that this all isn't really cool but seriously dude you gotta come clean." Doctor oliver looked at him weird. "Okay first of all don't call me dude. Second as hard as this may seem you three need to forget all about this. I'll find Kira."

He turned to walk but Conner quickly superseded infront of him. Doctor olver looked impressed. "The Gems power is already starting to bond with you."

"Well I was impressed." Rhea said raising her hand. "You can tell us all about this now or at my next parent teacher conference. "

Rhea let out a whistle. "Wow dude you've got guts." She laughed. Doctor Oliver looked at the three and sighed.

They were all in his car driving on the road. Rhea sat shotgun. "So when you said you helped create those tyrano-- whatevers you were just kidding right?"

He shook his head sighing. "They weren't supposed to be used like this someone's modified their programming. A few years back I was doing research on combining dinosaur DNA with technology. My partner.... a scientist named Anton Mercer...."

"The rich guy who disappeared years ago?"

"Yup shorty after mercer disappeared our lab was attacked all of our research was destroyed or atleast I thought it was." Conner then spoke up from the back sitting next to Ethan. "And the guy who did this is back?"

"He calls himself Mesagog." He stooped the car. "And you think he's after the gems?"

"Looks like it." Ethan shook his head. "This is all totally fascinating but how is it helping us find Kira? It's not like she's just gonna fall out of the sky and land right infront of us." Suddenly an invisportal opens up and Kira lands in front of them on the Jeep.

They stared at her. "Uh Ethan what do you think about my motorcross future?"

They quickly got out of the car helping Kira off the car. "How'd you do that?"

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