26. Fighting Spirit.

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Conner, Ethan, Rhea and Kira entered the base MD saw Hayley there. They smiled at her. "Sup Hayley."

"Where's doctor O?" Kira asked. "Not that we'll be able to see him if he was here."

They heard his voice from behind them. "Hey guys." He was exercising when the rangers looked at him.

"I'll never get used to that." Kira said.

Rhea chuckled. "This is so weird making it so cool."

The four walked forward. "Doctor O no offense but what's the point in building your biceps if nobody is going to see them."

Rhea furrowed her eyebrows. "Uh you'd have biceps because you want to show off?" He shrugged nodding.

Doctor O le go of the machine sighing. "Well that's the reason I called you here. Hayley found a way to bring me back to normal."

"Well that's great."

"What are we waiting for let's do it."

Hayley walked forward towards tommy. "Hold on everybody. Tommy I told you I think the remolecularizer may make you visible again but I haven't found a power source strong enough for it yet."

Tommy picked up he black box. "I've been thinking about that." He put it infront of Hayley. "Maybe we should use this."

She took it opening it to reveal the black Dino gem. "No way forget it "

"We gotta try something. My Dino gem is the most powerful source of energy we have."

Hayley shook her head. "Powerful being the operative word. I have no idea how your body will react to it. It's way too risky."

"Hayley we don't have a choice."

She sighed knowing he's right.

Rhea sighed. "Okay but before we do this..." she removed her phone and gave it Conner. "Take a picture for me."

She went and climbed onto Tommy's back and it looked like she was flying. Comesr looked her raising his eyebrows. "Seriously?"

"Come on how could would this look." He shook his head and took the picture for her.

They prepared everything and now Tommy was lying down on the table. Hayley put a blanket on top of him. "Okay Hayley. I'm ready."

"For the record I still think this is  bad idea." Hayley said. Kira nodded. "And for the record I agree with Hayley."

"And for the record I agree with Hayley and Kira." Rhea said. "Dont worry I'll be fine."

"Yeah I've heard that one before and let me remind you what happened. You became a fossil."

They sighed. Ethan nodded and attacked the wires. "See you soon Doctor O. Literally I hope."

They attacked the wires and Hayley attached the gem in the machine. "Okay." She looked at tommy. "Good to go.'

Sh started the machine up. "Initiating sequence."

After a second tommy started breathing heavily which concerned the rangers and Hayley. "Is everything okay?"

Thr machine started smoking. "It's overloading."

"What happening?"

"The energy inturnuator shut down he is receiving full turn."

The machine blasted making all of them step back. Rhea looked at Hayley. "Hayley I think we should turn it off."

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