19. Its a mad mad mackarel

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Conner and Rhea watched as Ethan typed in his computer fast eagerly. "One last link." Ethn looled at Conner. "There it's is bro."

Conner smiled. "Manchester united on the web cast. I take back anything bad I ever said about the internet." Rhea shook her head. "Nah don't do that you've said a lot it will be hard to digest."

Kira came running towards them. "Look I got it. I got I got I got it." She waved a paper infront of them excited.

"It's not contagious is it?" Conner asked. Rhea and Ethan laughed. Kiras face fell nodding. "Funny."

"Yeah sorry. What is it?" He asked. "I applied for an internship with channel 3 and I'm in."

The three of their eyes widened. "Woah that's awesome. Lots of kids from school applied for that." Conner took the paper and read it. "They only accepted 2 this semester and guess what show I'll be working on? The funky fishermen's cartoon complicate."

"No way that's my favorite show." Ethan beeped happily. He looled at the looks on Rhea and Conners faces. "I mean it was when I was a kid."

"Yeah I so believe that." Rhea told him. Conner shook his head. Ethan smiled. "I can still hear the song now. 'It's the funky fisherman show so grab your gear and we'll all go. Look it's Marty the mackaroll. He'll hook us the cartoons big taco roll.'" He unjustly got up in excitement.

Conner pulled him back to the chair. "Woah woah woah stop. Dude it's songs like that, that made me wanna go outside and play some soccer."

"Yeah I climbed on my dad's bike cause of that song." Rhea nodded. Kora looled at them. "Yeah I gotta get down to the station. See ya." She smiled and walked away.

Conner and Rhea smiled and looked at Ethan who was chimming happily. "Happy day happy day." He danced. The two shook their heads laughing.

Rhea looked at them and stood up. "Well as much as I am enjoying... that song I gotta go ride. See ya later."

Rhea was riding her bike on the tracks. She did tricks and somersaulted with her bike and landed perfectly on the ground. "Wohoo!"

She then raised her hands in the air and rode past the finish line. Her coach came over to her as she stopped her bike and removed her helmet. "Rhea that was amazing. You got.a new record."

"Really?" She was so excited. "Yeah you spared a second." She screamed. "Oh God that is so Amazing. I can't believe it. Today is the best day ever."

Rhea ran inside cyber space. She spotted Ethan and Conner there and ran towards them. She jumped on top of Conner hugging hum. He laughed and hugged back. "What's got you so happy?"

She pulled away from him. "I just got a new record on my speed." Ethan smiled. "That is amazing congratulations." Shs hugged him.

"So how much faster did you get?" Conned asked. "I spared a second." His smile fell. "Oh."

"What?" He shrugged. "I don't know a second that's it?" She sighed. "Hey say what you want about that but that's a big accomplishment in my eyes and riding."

Their morphers beeped. "Guys we have a problem."

The rangers hid behind the wood as they wat they Devan and the manager walk pass. As soon as they did Kira came out. "All clear." The other rangers came into as well holding the TV where the man was captured.

"We have to take him to Doctor Os lab and get h back to normal." Kira told them. "I demand to know where your taking me. Someone's going to pay if I miss my jinsing facial scrub."

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