21. Triassic Triumph.

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The four rangers entered storm charges and walked towards Hayley who was smiling brightly. "Someone looks pretty happy today."

"Oh hey just so good to have Trent back." She replied. "Yeah with a new attitude adjustment he's lost likeable." The others shook their head as Trent walked towards them. "I heard that."

He walked towards Hayley. "Two more cyber berry blasts please." She nodded and went to get it. Conner looked at Trent. "So how's it going?"

"Fantastic I feel like a new man." Kira nodded. "We're just glad the old man is back." Rhea laughed ad they looked at her. "What she called him old?"

They shook their heads and turned back to Trent. "Your one of us now. No more secrets."

"Youd right." He nodded as Hayley out the 2 glasses on his tray and he took it and sighed whispering. "No more secrets." He went to serve it.

The four sat down on the table doing their homework. Trent came and collected their empty glasses. Ethan looled at him. "Let's go. That report ain't going to write itself."

I'll catch up with you at the library." He said and fist bumped him walking away. Conner noticed something and got up looking at a guy holding a football. "What's he's deal?"

The three got up and stood next to him looking at the guy. Cassidy and Devan went to talk to the guy before he left. "Alexi parpara. Exchange student soccer genius so what do you think about the soccer scene here at reefside? And do you think we have a shot at superball."

Alexis looks around and Devan looks at Cassidy. "Uh Cass they don't have superpowers. It's called a world cup."

"Cup-O whatever." She looked back at Alexis. "So what do you think of the team?"

"No I'm sorry I can't speak with you now." He said and quickly left. "Okay uh whats with that?"

"She's never cared about soccer before." Conner told the others. "Atleast she has never wanted to interview me."

"Someone's looking A little green than red." Ethan said. Rhea nodded. "Yeah leave the green to me Conner." They laughed.

Conner smiled shaking her head. "I'm not jealous. It's just if he's that good. He should be in our club team. I'm going to go see if he's joined up with anyone."

Rhea nodded shouting before he left. "And while your at it ask for his number he's kind of cute."

Ethan and Kira chuckled nodding looking at him leave. "Jelous."

"So jelous."

The four were walking to the library and Conner explained to them how the new guy just completely ignored him and left. "Don't you think it was rude. I mean he doesn't even think about it. He just walks away."

"I'm sure he's got a good reason." Kira shrugged. "Why don't you just ask him again?"

"Nah his ego won't let him." Rhea shrugged. Ethan sighed and stopped. "Look I'd love to stay and hang this out with you guys but if I don't get to the library soon I'm totally going to fail this project."

He was about to leave but zeltrax came infront of them. "Then prepare to fail blue ranger."

They looked at him and Ethan sighed. "I knew I should have gone straight there."

Zeltrax raised his hand and snapped his fingers and a white blur came with full speed and attacked the four making them fall.

"Good work." The four looked to see a white monster and......Trent? "Didn't even break a sweat."

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