23. A Ranger Exclusive.

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The four rangers were told there was a transmitter somewhere in the forest. They morphed and rode their bikes into the forest.

"We're about three minutes out from the transmitter." Conner said into his morpher. "Are we going to make it?"

"You'll have to hurry that beam needs to be shut down and right away."

"We'll do our best." He told him. "Hit it." They rode as fast as they could towards the transmitter.

They reached the transmitter. "There it's is." They stopped their bikes. "We'll have to hurry if we're going to disarm it."

"Come on." They got off their bikes and statted running towards it but suddenly the evol white ranger and tyrannadrones appeared infront of them making them stop. "Oh boy."

"Attack." They ran ahead and attacked the tyrannadrones. Rhea kicked one and punched the other. She took one by its legs and went a full 360 hitting all the tyrannadrones that came in her way.

The white ranger threw Conner to the ground and the other three ran towards him. "Conner you okay?"

"Not for long." The white ranger ran forward and they attacked. Hitting and punching each other. They punched the white ranger making him fall to the ground. "That did it."

The machine statted counting down quickly gaining the rangers attention. "Hurry." They removed their lasers. "Lasers fire."

They blasted the machine destroying it jnto a million pieces. The white ranger grunted and disappeared through an invisa portal. "Sore loser."

"Let's head back." They all ran to their bikes and rode it back to the base.

After they talked it out with Doctor O they were headed back when Kira looked at the three. "Hey listen. You guys wanna come by the cyber Cafe and watch us try out a new song?"

"Sorry soccer practice." Conner told her. "I can't either."

"Why not?"

"I have to go somewhere. With my mom. A dentist appointment." He smiled. "Ethan it's fine don't worry about it."

"Allright see you later." He ran up the stairs. Kira looked at Rhea. "So what about you?"

"Can't I gotta ride. I've not ridden on the tracks for so long I can't even feel myself anymore." She smiled.

They nodded as she left. "Have fun."

She caught up with Ethan and looked at him. "Be anymore subtle would you?" He looled at her and sighed. "Thanks for not telling anyone about me hanging out with Cassidy."

"No problem after all the one who kind of set you up." He nodded. "Right I wondered how those questions got answered."

She smiled. "Good luck I gotta go to ride."

Rhea rode her bike through the tracks. She passed person by person and soon she crossed the finish line coming I first. She stopped her bike and took off her helmet. "Wohoo."

She pushed her bike towards the van and her coach came running to her. "Hey that was amazing."

"Thanks." She smiled. Her coach looked at her. "Listen I got a call for a spot in the international race for under 18. I'd like you to take it."

"International? You mean the one where all the pros go?" She asked shocked and full of excitement. He nodded. "Yeah. 1 year package deal. You start in Australia."

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