13. White Thunder (3)

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Picking up from last time, the rangers got ready to battle the white evil ranger who now was in control of the drago zord. "Drago zord show these fools what you can do."

He jumped off his zord onto the ground. The drago zord flapped its wings and the buildings started breaking down.

All the pieces started flying towards the rangers megazord also creating wind around them. "Hey don't need to get crazy."

He then flew up and the rangers looked at him. He flew towards them and slashed them. Alot of times.

The brachio zord came and released the stego zord. The white Ranger smirked. "Stego zord you are under my command."

He jumped in the zord. "Dino Stegazord formation." He combined with the stega zord and formed a megazord.

The rangers looked shocked. "He stole the stegazord." He smirked. "Not bad for a new guy eh?" His megazord was white and purple.

"Why are you doing this? Your loosing it." Kira asked. "No your the one loosing it and your loosing it to me." He slashed them making the rangers groan in pain.

He was about to hit them again but the rangers blocked it. "I say we go at him full on. Tricera fist."

They hit him making him. "Tyranno drill." But before they could hit him he sent something flying rught through them making them all scream and the megazord fell apart sending the rangers flying out to the ground.

"Brutal." Kira groaned. Ethan nodded. "Your telling me." They were all in pain as Tommy came running towards them.

"Rhea. Kira. Conner. Ethan." He helped them sit up. "Are you guys Allright?" Conner nodded. "Yeah but our zords are seriously tweaked."

They got up and looked at the white ranger. "That was just low." Ethan nodded confused. "Since when do they have bad power rangers?" He shook his head.

"That gem literally is blind." Rhea said looking at the white rangers megazord. Inside the megazord the white ranger smirked. "Now I'll take the rest of the zords."

"Not going to happen." Tommy said. He looked at his morpher. Kira looked at him. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to break the stegozord away." He replied. They looked up to see the stegazord coming out of the white rangers control. It did and tore apart the megazord.


"Good job!"

"How do you like that white ranger?" He looked at them. "You'll pay for that." He then flew away with his only zord.

The rangers watched him fly away. "Yeah good save Doctor O!"

"Thanks but I doubt if it will last." He replied. "White rangers power over the stegazord is too strong."

"Why was the white ranger created to be more powerful. That is so unfair." Rhea complained.

They all were back at the base tired and exhausted. Conner sighed looking at the rest. "Well that was like the worst day ever!" Ethan nodded. "Brutal."

Tommy got up. "There's going to be alot of days like this guys." He walked towards the other side. Kira raised an eyebrow. "What ever happened to the glass is half full?"

He shrugged. "Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's empty. But that's when you gotta dig deep. That's when the qualities that made you guys rangers become most important."

Rhea sighed putting her head on Conners shoulder. "And what qualities were those again?" Conner looked at Tommy. "Your right. What can we do?"

"Go have a little fun." He replied and looked at Ethan. "Ethan isn't there a new video game you wanna check out?" He shook his head. "Never thought I'd hear myself say this but I have no desire to go near computer."

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