8. Golden Boy.

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They had gotten an emergency alert saying that there was a giant monster attacking the city. The four of them ran as fast as they could towards the destruction. "Come on guys. He's destroying the city."

They saw him destroying all the buildings there. "Okay it's zord time." Brachio came and released all their zords.

They jumped into it and then formed the megazord.  "Online." The monster turned and looked at them."What are you looking at? How about a little vacation?"

The monster blasted them and they disappeared and reappeared at a place where there was snow all over with heavy wind.

The monster also appeared there. "You have an icy disposition." He sent ice towards them. The rangers started freezing really bad. "I'm freezing."

"This gives meaning to the phrase chilin like a villain." Rhea nodded. "Now we know these spandex aren't cold resistance."

"Come on focus." The megazord stood up properly and then spinned around really fast sending all the ice back towards him.

"How about a little Tera rang?" They sent it towards him hitting it a million times and making them come back to where they were. "Spoil sport."

"Tricera fist." They punched it. "Tanuis laser." They asked the monster making it stumble back. They then used the tyranmo drill and hit it.

Then they sent a fire blast from the middle towards the monster making him scream. "Oh yeah."

"Good one." Rhea nodded. "Easy peasy lemon squeeze."

"Dino drill." The monster disappeared nut the megazord continued to iniate it and when the monster reappeared the rangers hit him and destroyed it. "Yeah we're rolling now."

"No doubt." Rhea smiled. "Wohoo rangers one mesagog zero."

"Give it up mesagog we're not going anywhere."

At cyber space Rhea say with Ethan waiting for Trent to finish up his work so that they can do some project of theirs. Ethan came up infront of him. "Trent I gotta go home soon. You going to be able to scroung a few minutes for our government project?"

"Look I'm rely sorry Ethan I just got slammed all of a sudden." He nodded. "Okay."

"Wauter order up hello?" Cassidy called out. Ethan sat next to Rhea and chuckled Patting Trent.  "You do what you gotta do." He looked at Cassidy called out the waiter and clicking her fingers. "I'll find something to keep me busy until you get a break."

"That'll be great." He left to serve them. Ethan looked at Cassidy and then at Rhea. "Hey you wanna see something awesome?" She looked at him and nodded. "Uh yeah."

He laughed evily and pressed a few keys on his computer. When Cassidy pressed a button on her laptop it made a sound like something screaming making her scream.

Rhea smiled and laughed. "Oh my God." He continued doing it and whenever Cassidy clicks a button the sound comes making her scream. "Make it stop."

The two laughed looking at her. Suddenly Hayley came into their view. "Having fun you two?" They nodded. "Um yeah we are." She gave them a look which made Ethan sigh. "Okay okay I'll stop." She nodded and left.

Rhea looked at him. "Hey are you really going to stop?" He shook his head. "No." He continued to do it and Cassidy screamed when she clocked and the same noise came making the two burst out laughing.

The two had left the Cafe after they completed their projects. Suddenly their morphers beeped. They nodded at each other when they were told Tommy was in trouble.

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