20. Copy That

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Rhea, Conner and Kira sat on the table in in hayleys cyberspace talking. Ethan held a tray full of drinks and when Cassidy distracted him he fell down spilling all the drinks on the ground next to them.

"Clean up on aisle 5." Conner nodded.

"Yeah since when do you work here?" Kira asked. "Hayleys really been short handed since Trent quit I'm just trying to help her out."

Conner scoofed nodding. "Yeah I guess kicking our butts has kept Trent really busy these days."

"Yeah no doubt." Ethan said. "I hate to say this but I think you guys might have been right. Maybe there is no good left I'm Trent."

Rhea looled at Kira shaking her head. She grabbed her shoulder. "Kira wake up. Don't give up on him just yet." Kira shook her hands off her. "Okay relax."

"Look he's like not in control and all I don't think he asked for this evil power okay. We can try to atleast help him." Rhea told them. Conner looked at her. "Why are you so hell bent on helping him?"

"Because he needs our help. You know we got these powers to help people who can't help themselves right?" They sighed looking at her.

She looked at Ethan. "Come on I'll help you clean this up." He nodded in thanks.

After a while of helping Ethan with the cleaning, she sat with Conner and Kira talking and laughing. Their morpheds beeped. "Come in rangers we've got a situation I need you over at the city center right away."

"We're on our way." The four ran out of Hayleys cyber space. "Over there." Kira pointed behind a yellow bus to morph and they ran behind it.



"Dino Thunder Power up HA!"

"Dino power."

They reached the site where the monster was and faces him. "Allright creep we're taking you down." The monster turned to look at them. "Oh yeah says who? Here's a pepper for you."

He threw the pepper at them and Kira used her sword to hit it right back at him making it explode on him. "I'm not supposed to have too many spicy foods thanks anyway."

"Then how about some sea food?" He removed shells. "This is what I call shell shocked." He threw the shells with full of speed. They used their swords to break the shells into half.

"You'll pay for that." Ethan removed his shield. "Tricera shield." Rhea removed her sabor. "Tanuis sabor." The monster laughed. "Thants exactly what I was waiting for." He put his hand up and the tube thing on it glowed. "Now here's my secret power. Copy."

He removed the same exact tricera shield and tanius aabor as Ethan and Rhea shocking the rangers. "Tricera shield. Tanuis sabor."

"No way."

"Fire." He blasted Ethan and Rhea making them go screaming onto the ground. The two ran towards him. "Ethan. Rhea."

"You okay?" The monster laughed. Rhea groaned. "No fair get your own weapons."  Kira and Conner stepped forward. "Mow it's on."

"Tyranno staff!"

"Tera grips."

The monster held the thing up again glowing purple. "Copy." And just like what happened with Ethan and he copied both their weapons.

"He copied our weapons." Conmer stated. "That's cheating." He ran and slashed the two to the ground.

Rhea and Ethan ran to them. "Guys?"

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