39. Wormhole

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Reefside high 2004.

Trent sat on the ground drawing a drawing. Ethan and Kira sat side by side where Ethan was playing games and Kira was playing the guitar.

Ethan groaned. "Great I was just about to defeat the the dreaded maxi drone when his evil ship comes by and destroys all that I've done. Can you believe it?"

"It's just a game Ethan." Kira told him Trent nodded and looked up at him. "Yeah your acting as if it's real."

"What if it is real?" He said. "What if this game is really an ancient diary telling about a real event that happened Ina distant galaxy far far away."

Trent rolled his eyes and continued drawing ghis portrait of Ethan and Kira sitting together on the bench.

"Ethan your mind is the only thing that is far far away."


A ball came rolling towards them and Rhea ran in. "I got it I got I got it." She quickly ran kicking the ball towards the goal posy and scoring.

"Wohooo!" She cheered. "Yes!"

Conner came up with the ball and chuckled at her looking at the others. "Hey guys what's up?"

"Oh Ethan's giving us a history lesson on something he leaned on this handheld geek boy." Kira said.

Ethan scoffed. "All right you're right it's not ancient galactic history."

"Finally." She whispered.

"But.." He continued. "It could be the future."

Conner shook his head and looked at him. "Remember it's just a game."

Rhea nodded. "Yeah do you see any giant evil ships around?"

Suddenly the sky turned dark and they looked up to see a giant evil ship covering he whole sky and then went past them in full speed dissapearing.

The five walked around the forest looking around. Rhea hummed and looked at Ethan. "Hey E. If you want to predict the future next time please make me the freshest metro star ever."

"Yeah and me a popstar." Kira said.

He shook his head. "I didn't know it was going to come true."

"We gotta find Doctor O." Trent said.

Suddenly zeltrax and tyrannadrones came infront of them. "Well you found me instead."

"Atleast it's a familliar face." Conner stated.

Ethan sighed. "Yeah great."

"He's got a face?" Rhea asked.

"Rangers we fight again." Zeltrax told them.  Suddenly the ship that they saw earlier came in and a orange ray of light fell on zeltrax taking him inside the ship and then dissapearing.

"Now that's something you don't see everyday." Conner said.

The five walked through the forest brushing through the leaves. Trent looked at them. "Wonder what they wanted with zeltrax."

"Does it really matter?" Kira asked. "Hopefully they'll take him into space and sell him for scrap metal."

"When is it's all good zeltrax is gone and so are they." Ethan said.

Conner looked ahead and shook his head. "Yeah but they aren't."

They looked at what he was looking at and it was a giant ship and three people came out of it. They smiled at them. "Conner. Rhea. Ethan. Kira. It's nice to see you guys again. You must be Trent."

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