9. Beneath The Surface.

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The rangers were sitting in cyber Cafe trying to do their homework. Wel atleast four of them were. Ethan was playing video games on his laptop making a lot of noise. "Come on. Oh no you didn't. Eat laser you intergalactic freak. Yeah!"

The three looked at himnand sighed annoyed by all the nose he was making. Conner looked at him. "Dude do you mind?" He ignored him. "Made it to level 12."

Conner got annoyed and earned over and switched off his computer. "Hey!" He turned to look at him. "What are you doing?"

"I can't concentrate with you blowing up things in my ear." He answered. Ethan was still shocked by what just happened. "But it took me three hours to get to that level."

Kira shook her head. "Sorry but I'm with Conner on this one we got a paper due tomorrow." Rhea nodded. "Yeah I'm with them too this paper is bugging .e so much and by the way why aren't you working on yours huh?"

He looked at her. "Finished it last week. Trent and I jammed on it while you guys were being David Beckham and...."  Rhea and Kira  inturupted him. "Don't even say it."

"I wasn't going to." He continued typing in his laptop. Kira looked around. "Where is Trent anyway? I thought he was working today."

"Hayley gave him the day off. He's spending some quality time with his father." Rhea groaned closing her book and getting up. Conner looked at her. "Are you done?"

"Nope." He raised an eyebrow at her. "So where are you going?" She sighed. "Well if I look at the homework one more time I'm going to loose it so Im going to go clear my head. "

"You mean ride?" Ethan asked. "Well now that you mentioned it...." Ethan smiled. "Hey I'll come with you leave these two to do their homework in peace."

The both of them left.

Ethan used binoculars to see Rhea riding her bike in full speed and crossing the finish line. He looked impressed and ran up to her. She removed her helmet and looked at him. "So what do you think?"

"You definitely have a career in motorcross." She smiled. "Thanks. I'm hoping that one fay I become a great rider just like Catty Bradley."

"And you will." She nodded smiling at him.

The next day as the bell rang at school all the students got ready for their field trip, a dig they were going to. "Allright there is only so much you can learn in a class room who's ready for some fieldwork?"

"Let's go." Rhea followed her friends out to the bus. After their not so long bus ride they finally reached the dig area and they all partnered up searching for....something.

As Rhea was doing their dig with Conner. She looked up to see Principal Randal and Tommy talking. She chuckled when she saw her trying to clean off the dirt from his face. Conner looked at her. "What?"

She pointed at them. "Look at them she is so into him. Like she's not even trying to hide it." He looked to see them and laughed.

Ethan then called them. "Hey you guys over here." They ran towards him. "Check it out I think I found something."

"Great. What is it?" They looked to see an egg. Kira ran to bring Tommy to them. They both came towards the three. "What have you got?"

"Well." Ethan picked up the egg. "I think it might be a dink zord egg." He handed it to him. "Careful." Suddenly principal randal Came towards them. "Ooo a discovery how exciting?"

"Uh no um we're not sure what it is." She looked at the egg. "It looks like a prehistoric egg. May I?" She extended her hands towards him. He looked at the others. "We'll uh--"

Power Rangers Dino Thunder|Green RangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora