10. Ocean Alert.

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Rhea was sitting next to Conner as Ethan read out something from his laptop to them. "Check it out it says here braimnwaves are just electrical impulses that have converted into a binary language and could be downloaded."

Trent who was behind the counter nodded. "Yeah I've read about that. It means our eyes could become the video camera for the future." Ethan nodded and Conner sighed looking at them. "Geek TV. I wonder if it'll become a part of basic cable."

Rhea chuckled shaking her head. "Well if it does where would we go?" Ethan looked at them and scrunched up his nose looking back at his computer.

Suddenly the doors of the cafe open and Nikki Valentina enters making people gasp. Kira turned to looked at her then nudged the others. "Hey isn't that the girl from ocean alert?"

The most popular television show of all time?" Ethans mouth flew open and Conner smiled excited. "Does anyone have a brown paper bag? I'm hyperventilating."

Rhea gave him one and he blew in jt and she shook her head. "Uh-- she looks like she's a stuck up person." They saw her talking to Hayley and when  Hayley told her they don't have what she wants she offered a lot of money but Hayley yet refused because she didn't actually have it and Cassidy cornered her before she left.

She kind of told Cassidy she couldn't possibly star in Ocean alert and left. Ethan stared dreamily at the door. "I have to meet her or my life will never be complete."

"I'll introduce you in our wedding." Conner said patting him on the back. Teh two girls looked at each other shaking their heads. Rhea looked at them. "Uh-- you guys fo realize she's a human just like us?"

They completely ignored her as Trent came looking at Kira. "My shift is officially over. Ready to go?" The three looked at them confused. "Where are you two headed?"

"Trents going to show me some sketches he's done for my cover of my demo." They nodded as they left and trents phone rang.

The two boys started talking about Nikki Valentina. Rhea sighed and groaned looking at them.

Her moprhee beeped and she looked to see if anyone was looking and since no I was she answered it.

"Guys we have some Tyrannadrones down town and have a little problem at the beach."

"Come in guys." They reached the site where the tyrannadrones were attacking the civilians. They looked at the chaos that was spreading. "Woah this is just like some bad low budget movie."

"Only this is for real Ethan." He nodded. "Oh yeah right." They got ready to fight. They ran in and stopped the tyrannadrones from attacking the people.

Rhea kicked and punched some to the ground. She looked at them and smiled jumping high using her powers and landed behind it kicking it to the ground without looking at it and smiling.

They regrouped and looked at the tyrannadrones that were left infront of them. "Who released the hounds?" Conner nodded. "I know who's putting them back where they belong."

"Well I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's us." They nodded.



"Dino Thunder Power up HA!"





"Let's do it." They ran forward. Rhea kicked some of them to the ground. "Tanius sabor." She slashed them left and right. "Coming through." She destroyed them.

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