12. White Thunder (2)

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Rhea rode her bike in the tracks and as she's racing flashes of the white ranger came into her head. Him throwing the rangers to the ground pictures appeared infront of her.

While she was distracted she didn't realize huge curve and when she did she was too late. "Woah." Her bike lost balance and she fell to the ground.

Her coach sees this and comes running towards her. She groans and sits up. "Rhea are you okay?" She sighed and nods. "Yeah."

"What happened?" He asked her. "I just got distracted for a minute. I'm sorry." He sighed looking at her. "Look it's okay but maybe you should take a break from riding."

"What? No I'm hood I can ride." He shook his head. "Look your lucky you didn't get hurt and that it was practice and not a race otherwise you would have seriously injured yourself and maybe others as well. I just think you need a break okay?"

She sighed looking at him. Her morpher then beeped.

She ran inside the lab where the four rangers were already there. "Sorry I'm late." Conner shrugged. "Better late than never."

"Please tell me yoi know who the white ranger is?" Kira asked. "Oh my God yes please that would be really helpful."

Tommy shook his head. "Not quite. But look at this." He showed then a weird looking egg sitting there. "It looks like it's ready to pop."

"It is." Then another egg popped up in the monitors. "Hey what about that one?"

"Dino zord eggs all over the place." Rhean nodded. "I wonder how people have not taken them out of curiosity."

"Hey do you think that Easter was like this millions of years ago?" Ethan asked jokingly. Conner shook his head. "How does he come up with these stuff?"

"Conner, Kira you go to the warehouse." They nodded. "Ethan Rhea you two come with me to the docks. We can talk about your dino Easter theory and why people ignore the eggs that are sitting there."


"...I mean seriously are people that dumb or that not interested?" Rhea asked as they reached the site. Tommy sighed. Ethan looked at him. "I think we should have brought Kira instead."

Luckily Rhea didn't hear that and she concentrated outside. Ethan then got a reading. "Hey Dr.O I'm getting some really strong readings."

He stopped the Jeep parking it. "Let's check it out on foot." They got out the car and the machine was beeping crazy. They walked ahead. "That egg has to be around here somewhere." He continued pointing it everywhere. "This thing is going nuts."

Suddenly an alarm rang getting the three of their attentions as they faced the place where it was coming from. "That doesn't sound good."

The people were running away as the three looked at them confused as to what was going on. They stopped one guy. "Hey are you guys Allright?" The guy tried to catch his breathe and pointed inside. "There's- theres-- there's a giant thing-- I don't know what it is but it's coming this way."

"Thanks." Rhea looked at him. "Get to safety." Tommy looked at the two. "Come on." They ran towards the building as fast as they could.

They saw it was big. A dinosaur. They stopped wide eyes looking at it. "Looks like we got here just in time."

"Now what?" It was green. Rhea looked at it weird. "Hey that's my colour." Tommy's morpher beeped and he answered it. "He's all yours guys."

"Good timing Hayley." He held his hand as his morpher turned green. Ethan furrowed his eyebrows. "Howcomes mine doesn't do that?"

"It's the parasaur zord sometimes you just need a little something extra."

Ethan nodded smiling. "I heard that." The zord spinned looking at them. "Easy there fella."

The two other rangers came running towards the three of them."There they are." They stoped next to them. "We found that egg. Only problem is so did the white ranger. He's trying to hatch it."

"You guys stay here and try to deal with this thing." They nodded. "Right."

"Lets do it." The three removed their morphers.

"Dino Thunder Power up HA!" They morphed. "Dino power."

"The zords are on their way." They nodded. "Thanks." Rhea looked at him. "Be careful." Tommy nodded and ran towards the warehouse the white ranger was in.

Conner turned to the others. "Ready?" They nodded. "Ready."

The brachio zord came and removed their zords. They then jumped in and combined it to form the megazord. "Thundersaurus megazord!"

"All right."

"Megazord online." The monster looked at them. "You think you got what it takes to drop the andor."

"Hang in there guys I'll take out the white ranger."

"Your mine." The monster ran forward and so did the rangers. They attacked each other and the megazord kicked him and blasted him.

"Tricera punch." They punched him. "Tyranno tail." Theh slashed him. "Tanuis laser." They shot him.
"Tera rang." They sent the towards him and he deflected them. "Now I'm angry."

He jumped up. "Lasers." He sent lasers towards them making them scream and fall to the ground. He jumped on them twice or more.

The monster went into the air and came hurling down. "Body slam." He was about to slam them. "Fire breathe now." They sent fire at him making him fall to the ground.

The rangers then got up. "Parasaur zord." The zord came running towards them. "Attachment formation."

They combined with it. The monster got up grunting looking at them. "You think that's going to stop me?"

"Well we'll just find put won't we." Rhea said looking at him. He removed a sword. He went to hit them but the rangers blocked them with the new zord and uses it to break it off.

They then carried the monster up and did a 360 and threw him to the ground. He got up looking at them. "Parasaur zord final cut."

They cut off the monster into tiny little
Pieces and destroyed him for good. They called Tommy. "Go ahead."

"We got the situation under control how are you doing over there?"

"Got a little side tracked I'm heading back to the white ranger now."

Suddenly another zord comes out of the factory. The drago zord. The rangers stare wide eyed at it. "Whoa what's that?"

"Give you one guess." Kira nodded. "He must have hached the dinosaur egg. I don't like the look of this."

Suddenly the white ranger jumped on top of the zord and stared at the rangers. "Hello again rangers." He smirked. "Well what do you think? If your going to wear the suit you gotta have the zord right?"

The rangers looked at him shocked. "What don't look so shocked. Now let's see what this burden can do." He looked at his morpher. "Drago zord activate."

"You guys ready for this?" Connee asked. "I guess so." Rhea nodded. "We can do this guys." She looked ahead at the white ranger. "Bring it you big headed freak!"

He smirked. "Let's do it."

~To be continued ~

Sorry for the short chapter guys. This episode was based on Trent more sp couldn't fit her anywhere.

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