5. Back in Black

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Picking up from before the rangers looked at each other. "I've got a lock on the portal."

They all looked at each other and clapped theirs hands together. "We're on it."

They started walking towards the exit. "Remember you have to reach a speed of 536 miles per hour point entry otherwise you'll never make it passed the security wall and probably ripped to pieces."

They all stoped when they heard this wide eyes. Tehy turned around to look at Hayley. "Did I forget to mention that?"

They all have her the same looks.  Rhea nodded.  "I don't think four people can fit on my bike and also that speed is like impossible."

"I take that as a yes." She smiled. "Never fear I have something for just such an occasion." She typed on the computer.

A door opened to reveal for motorbikes each in their colour. Rheas eyes went wide and she smiled happily. "Holly shit. That is--- that's like my dream come true."


"Amazing." They walked towards them checking them out. "Which ones mine?" They all looked at him weird. "I'm kidding."

"You so weren't kidding." He shook his head chuckling. "These are your new raptor cycles. They should have you to the portal coordinates in approximately 92.75 seconds."

"Oh my God. I can't believe this." Thea went and touched her bike fingerling over it. "And when we get there?"

"Use your gems to access the hyperdrive then head straight through the portal to mesagogs Island fortress. "

That made Conners eyes widened and look at her. "Wait did you just say island fortress?" Rhea looked at him seeing his face and she raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Yes why?" He pursed his lips. "Well islands they're surrounded by water." She nodded. "Usually."

Rhea laughed at his face coming and standing next to him. "Holly Molly you do not know how to swim do you?"

"I didn't say that." Conner told her. Ethan nodded. "But it's true you can't." He high fived Rhea as they continued making fun of him.

"The invisi portals will take you directly to the island. You'll never have to get wet." He nodded. Rhea and Ethan laughed. "You can't swim."

"Whatever you two." He looked Dat them. "Ready?"


"Dino Thunder Power up HA!"

They rode the motorbikes straight to the location Hayley installed on the bikes. Suddenlt they just stopped. "Huh? It just stopped."

"What's up with that?" They got off the bikes. "This must be where Hayley programmed the coordinates. "

They looked ahead to see an invisa portal appear. "Look there is the invisi portal. Sure hope doctor Os o  the other side."

"You and me both sister." Rhea told her as they looked at it. "Only one way to find out."

"You guys ready?"

"You know it."

"I was born Ready."


They went and immediately k to their bikes. Suddenly another portal opened up and Zeltraks and Elsa with some tyrannadrones appeared. "Hey no one invited you to the party."

"Im crashing and I brought some friends is that rude?" Kira nodded. "Extremely."

"Your not getting through that portal unless your in chains." Zeltracks told them. "Eww sorry but so not my style."

Power Rangers Dino Thunder|Green RangerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora