11. White Thunder (1)

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Rhea rode her bike in the streets as Conner drove his car. She looked at him.as he looked at her and smirked. He then went fast. Rhea chuckled and shook her head increasing her speed and jumping her bike over the turn and reaching Conners car in no time.

She looked at him and smirked waving. Conner was about to increase his speed but he looked at his fuel tank and it said empty. "Are you kidding me?"

His car then slowed down and eventually stopped. Rhea reached the finish line or the place where they started the race. She stopped her bike and turned and looked at him. "I won."

He got out of the car and looked at her shaking his head. "Well that's not fair. My car ran out of fuel." Rhea stopped him from continuing to talk. "Hey lemme explain to you something my friend. Alls fair in competing and racing."

"The saying is all fair in love and war." Conner corrected. She shrugged. "Whatever I yet won so..."

"That attitude will actually be the death of you." He pointed out. "Hey I love winning is that so bad?" He shook his head.

Their morphers beeped and were told to go to a site where Tommy found something.

They were joined by Ethan and Kira as they reached the site finding him and looking at him. "Came as soon as we could Doctor O." Ethan nodded. "What'd you find?"

"Some sort of storage unit. The energy reading is so intense this meter can't register them." He pointed to the machine on his hand. "What kind of energy?"

He looked at them and started walking towards them. "Same kind that is in your morphers." They looked at him wide eyed. "Your saying that there is a Dino gem in here?"

He shook his head. "Not anymore but there was." Kira sighed. "I thought you had all kind of things that would pick up if there was a gem out here."

He looked down shaking his head. "Someone must have hidden it." He looked at them. "When the cloaking device deactivated. The readings went off the scale."

"So is this good news or bad news?" Conner asked. Rhea nodded. "And what colour was the gem?" Tommy sighed. "Guess that depends on who's got the gem." He looked at Rhea. "And the colour of the gem.....not sure but I think we won't have to wait long enough."

They were in the lab looking for where the gem could have gone. After a while The alarms started going off. "Uh Tommy I think we may have something." Tommy ran towards her followed by the four others.

There was a monster roaming the city. "Unbelievable." He shook his head as the others nodded. "Guess we got here just in time."

"Any particular reason for that guy?" Kira asked. "It's hard to tell it seems like it's actually looking for something."

Conner shook his head. "Well its not going to like what it finds." Rhea looked at him shrugging. "Well I mean I brighten peoples day so..."

He gave her a look. "Well that ain't a person. So come on guys." They all stood in the middle. "Ready?"


"Dino Thunder Power up HA!"

"Dino power."

They reached the site as the monster looked around looking for someone. "Where are you?" The rangers came running and stood behind it. "Hey!" He turned around. "Over here is there something we can help you with?"

"Red.....blue......green.....yellow." He shook his head. "No I'm looking for something in basic white." Kira looked at the others. "Do you have any clue what he's talking about?"

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