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"So what did you... exactly do?" Jin asks. It's the next morning after all the chaos has struck. They managed to get everything cleaned up, but everyone is still stricken from what happened.

Jimin is still recovering, getting used to his new form as he's tucked in bed. Jungkook hasn't left his side for a second.

"Well.." Leedo slowly sits down on the carpet, letting his back relax against the wall. "I never told you guys about this particular way of curing because it's the least likely to work." He starts. "I was even shocked when Jimin came back alive."

"But why is his hair all different and stuff?" Namjoon asks, eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Because he's not a vampire anymore." Leedo says. "This cure was a reverse method. It rarely ever works because the gods of the silver outrings aren't so... giving."

"Wait you can connect yourself to them? I thought they were all dead?" Hoseok blinks and the boy shakes his head.

"All the silver circle members are, but not the outrings. Remember, the outrings is the power itself. They can choose to either give life, or take it away." Leedo says. "and me being the last silver circle member alive, they have given me the power to save, but not take it away. However, I must always ask permission for it, and it's very rare that they allow such a thing to happen."

"Why is that?" Taehyung asks and Leedo sighs.

"They are angry with anyone but themselves. Wouldn't you if your entire power holders were murdered and left for dead? They don't trust everyone. They barely trust me. Especially since the first time I came back here, I used my power for evil, not good. To tear you guys apart." Leedo explains.

"So that's why you were saying 'Gods' and stuff." Yoongi whispers.

"Yes.. I was begging them. They granted it and Now Jimin is alive. It reversed him and now he is human. That's how it works." Leedo says.

"I'm... human??" Jimin pipes up from the pile of blankets that Jungkook insisted he'd give him.

"Yep. It'll feel weird getting all those human traits back but i'm sure it'll be okay." Leedo nods with a small smile.

"Wait what about me." Yoongi interrupts. "Im still dying if you forgot. Will I have to go through the same thing?"

Leedo blinks. Shit.

"Nope!" Taehyung shouts as he holds up a book. "While all this commotion was going around, I was in the library and I finally found a cure. It can't cure you when you're as sick as Jimin was, but in you're state now, you can heal from this."

Leedo squeals and he's tackling Taehyung in a hug. "I knew you'd find it!" he giggles, but quickly pulls away with a blush. "Sorry..."

The wolf laughs too and he goes to instantly hug Leedo back. "I like hugs."

Yoongi snorts softly. "I'm like that one leftover slice of pizza that no one wants." He mutters to Hoseok who just gives him a gentle smile.


"Here, you forgot this plate." Namjoon whispers to Jin, who is cleaning dishes at the sink. The vampire looks up and grabs the plate, going to toss it in the soapy water.

"How's Yoongi?"

"He's okay now. They tried the other way and it worked, but he wouldn't stop throwing up til a few minutes ago. But he's feeling fine now." Namjoon informs softly, going to stand awkwardly at the side. Jin has been... distant towards him. He's not sure why. The wolf opens his mouth to speak but Jin speaks first.

Blood Roses// JikookWhere stories live. Discover now