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It's daybreak, the sun slowly peeking over the mountains with soft colors in the sky. They're all in wolf form, slowly trudging through the meadow. Tall grass is poking at their paws with every step.

The entire pack is pretty tired to say the least, not having any sleep the night prior. A few hours back they could hear the howling of pained cries from their pack, having just lost a member.

It's not until Taehyung literally falls to the ground that they finally stop, the brown wolf whimpering as he has a tiny thorn in his paw. Namjoon rolls his eyes, a gust of air snorting out of nose as he trots over and nibbles at taehyungs paw, trying to get a grip of the pointy thorn.

Jungkook slowly continues walking, trying to see what's over the hill. He doesn't remember the house being this far off... Maybe they're going the wrong direction? Whimpering, the black wolf lowers himself into a laying position. He's so close to Jimin.

Suddenly, there's a loud crack and all wolves heads snap to the side, where they see a boy, eyes wide and mouth open in fear. Namjoon instantly growls low in his throat, teeth bared as he starts to slowly approach the boy, Hoseok and Jungkook behind him.

"O-Oh my-" The boy stumbles as he's too afraid to even walk. "S-Stop right there!" he screeches at the leader wolf. "I'm just passing through-" he swallows thickly, slowly climbing up to his feet, having calmed himself down. "Wait a second-" the boy looks over every wolf there, eyes going wide. "You're Namjoon-" he points to the leader wolf. "A-And Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung back there-"

All wolves go still at that, wondering the same thing. How on earth does this kid know who they are? Jungkook slowly approaches the kid, sniffing at him and his nose can pick up a light scent. Jimin. He knows Jimin.

Jungkook growls, snapping at the boy as his eyes are dark and the kid stumbles back again. "Hey! N-No Stop! I'm not here to hurt you! I-I know your lovers! I'm trying to save them!" He screams, and at that, Jungkook stops, letting out tiny breathes as he turns to look at Namjoon, whose equally confused.



"Jesus what's taking that kid so long-" The black haired vampire groans, his body stretched along the couch. He glances over at his brother. Jimin hasn't said a word since what happened last night. Which is understandable.

His expression is just blank, unmoving and quiet.

"Jimin." yoongi says softly, causing the blonde to slowly look up at him. "It'll be okay. We're going to get through this." he says with promise and Jimin lightly nods, going back to reading books on the subject.

Yoongi sighs, standing up. "I'm going to go see what he's doing." he mutters, stepping outside the mansion and calling the kid's name. "LEEDO!" He shouts, slowly trudging through the long grass.

"LEEDO! What's taking you so long!" He shouts again, slowly trudging through the grass and down the hill. "Oh my-LEEDO!" Yoongi screams at the top of his lungs, but his breath gets caught in his throat upon seeing the kid he's looking for, and a pack of angry wolves growling at him.

"Yoongi-" Leedo stays perfectly still and the olders eyes land on the wolves. Now, he's never seen Namjoon and them in wolf form, but he's pretty sure it's them by the way they physically relax when they see him, and duh. He can count.

"Come here." Yoongi waves the boy over, who comes running down to him. "Idiot what did you do to piss them off?" he asks, trying to figure out which one is which as the wolves slowly walk up to them.

"I didnt do-"

"Shut up. Come on." Yoongi stops the other. "Go and head back to the house. I'll be behind you." Leedo nods and starts up the hill in a hurry.

Blood Roses// JikookDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora