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Sorry this took so long to update. I've been finding that I'm not enjoying writing as much as I used to, which is why the updates are like months apart, I've been trying to give myself breaks so I don't get tired of writing this book. Thank you all for being patient


"Wow... glad to see nothing has changed..." The wolf murmurs as he walks into Yoongi's room, slowly closing the door behind him. "Do you still have that gigantic shower in your bathroom with that plant in it?"

"Are you shaming my bathroom design??" Yoongi narrows his eyes at the other, slowly crossing his arms.

"Not at all. I'm just saying... who needs a plant in their shower..."

"It's a FAKE plant orange." Yoongi hisses and the wolf only laughs lightly, a smile on his face.

"Hey you know i'm only messing with you right?" He says softly, sitting down on the bed with a sigh.

"I dunno. You seem to really be hating on my fake plant." Yoongi grumbles, plopping down on the chair in front of the bed with a sigh.

The wolf stares at Yoongi. "I'm lost.... confused. What's even going on here? Like you and Jimin are dying and that one vampire bitch who killed Jungkook's mom-"

"I don't know orange. There's so much going on it's just-" Yoongi rubs at his eyes. "None of us can understand.."



"I hope you all listen to me."

Everyone is seated at a long table, quietly looking up at Jin. He can feel the glares from his brothers but they keep quiet as he clears his throat.

"I know this is probably... very confusing and many of you don't understand what's going on..." Jin starts off slowly. "It seems... that Ha-Eun, has had this planned all along. She came here because she knew something was up."

"That's when she summoned me!" Leedo pipes up. "She wanted to use me to get what you all were hiding from her."

"And she obviously did..." Jin sighs softly. "It was right to send the pack away while she arrived here first, and it's still obvious that she would've killed you all if you remained here, but it seems that right when she found out about our involvements, she backed down."

"Is that why she's gone?" Hoseok asks, looking curious but also confused.

"Yes. She's gone because... well... how can I word this-" Jin bites at his lip. "She decided that she could kill two birds with one stone."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jungkook's nose scrunches up. "It's not like she was trying to kill you guys too, right?"

"She didn't exactly enjoy having us around, kook." Yoongi sighs lightly. "We never really met her demands for being vampires. Why else do you think we were sent here? All the way out in nowhere? It's because she hated us and wanted us to be the last thing she worries about."

"Guys please-" Jin tries to stop everyone from talking so he can finish explaining.

"What? How can we even trust you Hyung??? You did take her side." Jimin says with an uneasy expression, his hand gripping at Jungkook's wrist under the table.

"He did what?!" Taehyung gasps. "traitor!"

"THATS ENOUGH!" Namjoon screams, making everyone fall quiet as he slams his fist on the table. "It doesn't matter what happened in the past, got it? Because right now, all we've got is each other and nothing is going to get done if we all continue to argue. So what if Jin made a mistake. That's behind us. Now fucking grow up and lets focus on NOW." His teeth grit as he looks up at Jin, those sharp eyes making the vampires chest constrict and heart stop.

God he's hot..

Jin clears his throat. "Ehm. Thank you..." he says quietly. "I can't understand why you all don't trust me for what I did but I couldn't let any harm come to you, Jimin and Yoongi. You two are dying and-"

"YOURE WHAT?!!" Jungkook screams, standing up as he stares at Jimin with a shocked but angry expression.

"Jungkook-" Jimin says weakly as he reaches up for the wolf who quickly snatches his hand away.

"You're- what- why didn't you tell me!"

"I was going to I just couldn't- I couldn't tell you yet I-"

"Why not! Fuck Jimin I could've- I could've helped you- I- don't you trust me?!"

Jimin's eyes go wide and he stands up too. "Of course I do- Jungkook please-" his eyes fill with tears and the wolf seems tense but he slowly grabs Jimin's hand despite being upset. "We're talking about this later." He grumbles as they sit back down, the room silent for a moment.

Jin pinches the bridge of his nose. Well god. This is chaos.

"No more outbursts." Namjoon says sternly. "We let jin finish then ask questions later. Got it?"

And everyone nods, the air in the room tense as Jin looks up at everyone before letting a shaky breath fall from his lips.

"As I was saying- um-" his eyes slightly go wide, suddenly feeling scared. Is this really his fault? He-
He suddenly meets Namjoon's eyes, the beautiful brown and gold irises calming him as the wolf gives him a reassuring smile.

"What I meant by two birds with one stone is because she figured out our involvement with you guys. If none of you knew, love is lethal to vampires, the type of romantic love that is. Our hearts are unmoving but with love, they start to beat and therefore, we start to live again.." Jin says soflty. "Which is why they have been throwing up blood, since it's being produced." He says softly.
"Once ha-eun figured out about that, she let it all play out because we would be dead, and then the wolves wouldn't be her problem anymore.."

It's silent, all the information processing in there heads.

"Is there... a way to stop it? Like a cure or something?" Taehyung asks quietly, staring up at Jin.

"We don't know." The vampire answers weakly, looking down at his feet. "Leedo is trying to figure something out but other than that, no. I don't think we have anything to stop it.."



"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!" The wolf screams, slamming the door shut as he grabs at his hair. "I- I've been causing you this pain- I- fuck it's all my fault-"

"Jungkook! Please-" Jimin grabs the wolf's shaking hands, kissing his knuckles softly. "Look at me-" the vampire reaches up to grab Jungkook's face, gently caressing his cheek.
"I love you, okay? And nothing is going to stop me from doing that... I didn't want to tell you right now because you just got back and I know how much you beat yourself up over things like this."

"But Jimin I-"

"No." The blonde cuts him off. "I want to love you, I need you Jungkook." Jimin whispers. "and if it kills me, so what. I've already died once, I'm not afraid of it."

Jungkook stares at jimin with wide eyes. "But Hyung-" his voice cracks. "I can't live without you." He sobs lightly, his head falling forward onto Jimin's shoulder. "I'm lost without your words- I- I'm afraid of losing you-"

Jimin's chest tightens and suddenly, he's feeling guilty. So guilty. What will happen if he does die? What will happen to Jungkook?? "Kookie..."

Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut, tears spilling out of them as he lets out a cry. "I can't lose someone I love-" his voice is scratchy. "Not again."


"You can bunk with me!" Leedo swings open his door. He managed to unlock one of the many rooms that were sealed with magic. It's a nice room though.

"Oh wow!" Taehyung follows the other inside. "It's nice! I won't be forced to sleep on the couch anymore! Though it was comfortable- well wait- no- unless you'd rather me sleep on the couch instead of in the bed with you- cuz that'd be weird right?" The wolf is flustered, cheeks lightly red.

Leedo blinks. "Oh- I don't mind." He blushes too, fingers fiddling. "It's uhm.... been a long time since I've had anyone sleep beside me... not like- sex- but like-"

"Cuddles! I get it." Taehyung beams. "I'll give you cuddles- if you want?"

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