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Hey everyone. These are hard times, but let's continue to have hope okay? Let's do our part with staying home and social distancing. For those of you who are infected, I pray that you guys get better and recover. 
I'll try to update more often to entertain you all during this stay at home. ;)


"Jungkook! Jungkook!" The voice echoes lightly throughout the meadow, Jimin's head popping up to it.

"Did you hear that?" Jimin asks as he looks over to the wolf who was lifting up his shirt. They were... well.. making out and were planning on going at it as much as they could before Jungkook wakes up. Don't judge them. They're sexually deprived and horny as fuck. 

"I'm sure it was nothing." Jungkook murmurs as he leans back down and goes to connect their lips again in a sweet but rough kiss, his hands going to slide down the Vampires slim hips as he does so. 

"Ugh Jungkook, I forgot how good of a kisser you are." Jimin gasps out as the wolf goes to lick at his skin on his neck. Though it's just a dream, all of this feels so real. All of it feels so fucking good-


Jungkook gasps as his body springs forward, eyes wide and body coated in sweat as he goes to look at his hyung. 

"God I've been trying to wake up up for 15 minutes!" Hoseok grumbles as he crosses his hands over his chest. 

Well great. He's back in reality now...

"I- Hyung why the fuck did you have to wake me up?!" Jungkook whines as he throws a pillow at the white wolf. "Jimin was there."

"Isn't he always?"

"No! Like I meant-" Jungkook struggles. "He was actually there. They used some magic or something.." 

Hosoek just scoffs at that. "Please. You're acting so delusional." he mutters before walking out of the room. Jungkook just scoffs at that. Wow. Bitter much?

With a groan, Jungkook peels himself out of bed, his eyes droopy and hair all fucked up in every direction. His body aches from overworking himself the day prior, working out to all he could. He can't slack off. 

The wolf gets ready fairly quickly, letting out a tiny yawn as he walks downstairs. He's surprised to see everyone else awake, even Taehyung. 

"Jungkook, sit down." Namjoon says as he points to the chair and the pup clambers over, sitting down with a little sniff.

"As you know, the mating ceremonies are in two days. You need to spend your time with Ruby, giving her that fake love and shit. Think you can do that?" The alpha asks with an arched eyebrow and Jungkook nods, but his eyes hold a little bit of uncertainty. 

Acting to love someone when you really love someone else is not the easiest thing in the world.



The vampires body lurches forward, a groan leaving his lips as he's panting heavily. "W-What happened?!" 

Leedo places his hand on Jimin's. "He must've woke up."

The blonde is still panting as he rubs his hands over his face. "Jesus..." He mutters.

"Welcome back to the world princess." Yoongi calls from the couch and Jimin glares at him.

"Just shut up." He seethes, sliding off the bed and walking over to the couch. "My head hurts. Is that normal?" 

Leedo nods as he bounces onto the other chair. "Yea. It's gonna be there for about a few hours. Don't worry." he shrugs and the blond nods with a sigh. "So... each of you guys are in a relationship, is that correct?" 

Jimin nods lightly. "Well... for the most part. Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung aren't exactly official."

"I still find it weird that they're involved. Like it's super unexpected." Yoongi says with a yawn. 

"Well I wasn't surprised when you can Hoseok fell in love." Jimin says, smiling lightly as he stares at the older vampire who physically freezes. 

"We don't love each other." Yoongi mutters as he stares at the fireplace. The blonde only snorts, his hand going to comb through his hair. 

"You really deny everything, don't you?"

"Jimin, don't you see that no one else's relationships are as easy and perfect as yours right?" Yoongi growls as his eyes are getting red, the deep rich color bleeding into his sky blue eyes. 

Jimin's own eyes go a tad bit wide as he stares at Yoongi, his hand lightly clenching at the arm of the chair he's sitting on. "Hold up, your relationship would've been just fine if you didn't bite Hoseok's head off like a dumbass and make him run away with Jungkook!" He screams, fangs showing as he bares his teeth.

Leedo stares at the two with wide eyes, his heart accelerating. "Guys please, let's not fight. please-"

Yoongi's growl interrupts the boy as he stands up. "Don't you see Jimin? You're risking EVERYTHING for this one guy that will stop loving you just like everyone else."


Jimin's eyes fill with hurt as he is about to say something else but Leedo butts in, pushing Yoongi backwards. "Shut the fuck up! What is your problem Yoongi?!" He screams, eyes full of purple haze. "You're only saying such words because your heart is broken! So you think that targeting Jimin will make you feel better? You're the reason why your relationship with Hoseok is over! You aren't taking any part on trying to contact him! So why don't you just shut up and stop hurting others!" He screams, panting lightly as he glares at Yoongi. The room fills with silence as Yoongi slowly sits down on the couch, not uttering another word.

Jimin lets out a breath. "Wow... Thanks Leedo." he breathes as he smiles lightly to the boy. 

"Jungkook loves you with all his heart. I know it."Leedo says as he spins around to the blonde vampire. "He really does."

"Thank you..." Jimin whispers with a little chuckle as he slowly sits back down, Leedo following. 

"You know who you would be cute with?" Jimin starts as he stares at the boy, eyes tracking down his facial features. "My friend Taehyung. You two would be cute."

"Tae...hyung? Who's that?"

"He's in Jungkook's pack. Single and ready for a cute boy like you." Jimin winks which makes Leedo blush. 

"Please... Not many guys tend to like me because I'm weird."

"Well Taehyung is weird too so i'm sure you two will fit together perfectly."



The mating ceremony is in just a few days, and of course... Taehyung isn't looking for anyone to mate with, but it'd be so nice to find someone who would actually love to spend the rest of their life with him. 

"Good morning birds." Taehyung says quieter than usual, waving at the tree branch that usually would have the bluejays there, but alas, they're gone. Nowhere to be seen. Letting out a sigh, he continues to walk his usual morning hike, eyes glued to the ground. He's happy with his life, ya, but being around all his family that each of them have lovers, really isn't the greatest feeling in the world. 

He wonders if anyone would ever take interest in him. Hell, even HOSEOK got someone, and the white wolf is the most sarcastic man he has ever met! But oddly, he and yoongi fit so well.

Namjoon and Jin.. Hell, Namjoon hated vampires but suddenly he fell for one. Jungkook and Jimin are meant to be. 

What about him? Who is he destined to be with?

With a sigh, Taehyung squats down to admire a pretty white flower, the only one that stands tall in the layers of weeds and grass. 

Perhaps, this just isn't the time to find love. Maybe his lover would come to him.

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