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Sorry I've been taking a while to update... I'm at writers block rn for this book.
But hey!! Thx for 5k votes!!!! WOWSA!!!


It takes Jimin a full two hours until arriving at his doorstep. He would've gotten home quicker if it weren't for the stomach pains that made him stop every 5 minutes. Frankly, Jimin has no idea what's going on with him. He's never really felt pain before, hasn't felt anything for that matter.

All feelings seem to have returned once Jungkook jumped into his life.

Once Jimin reaches the front door, he looks to his right, noticing a black old school car sitting in the driveway. The only person that has old school cars like that is the witch. Ha-eun, well he likes calling her a witch because she's a horrible vampire.

It was her fault that the three brothers all lost their lives that night. That's why they hate her so much. She's the one who bit them. The same night, in the same place.

"Jimin! Oh thank god! Where the hell have you been!?" Jin pops out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of the blonde.

"I was with Jungkook.."

The elder is hesitant. "Did you clean up?"

"No...? I just got back hyung... If im standing out here and you're right there in the doorway then does it look like I cleaned up?" The younger says bitterly.

Jin smacks his head. "Don't give me attitude young man. You and I both know that if you go inside without taking Jungkook's scent off you, she'll smell it in seconds. For Christ sakes I almost got killed because you never cleaned your room and she smelt the wolf scent in your room. I had to make up a lie for you." Jimin scoffs. His older brother is not really good at lying, nor does he like lying. He's always been a "Good" boy. The younger scoffs. "Good boy my ass..."

"Jimin! Are you listening to me?!"

"Oh my god! YES HYUNG I AM!" Jimin shouts.

"Good. Now, I want you to wash up." Jin demands. However, when the blonde tries to step inside, Jin pushes him backwards.

"What the fuck Jin?"

"Ah what did I just say?"

"To SHOWER?!" Jimin growls, his patience growing thin.

"But I also said that you cant go inside. She'll smell you." Jin informs, acting like a complete smartass.

The younger throws his hands up, scoffing. "Well then where the hell do you expect me to bathe hyung?!"

5 minutes later

"Stupid ass, just because you're the oldest doesn't mean you tell me where to fucking bathe." Jimin angrily mumbles, tearing his shirt off hastily and throwing at a nearby tree branch.

The older told him to go clean himself in the river, like a freaking dog. So here he is, 3 feet in the freezing water. It's not Jimin's fault that he got home late. He was clearing things up with Kookie and the pack, because he's a nice person. (Not really)

"God its so fucking cold." Jimin hisses, goosebumps crawling over his skin. The rough terrain under his feet isn't exactly helping his situation either.

"Here's your stupid shampoo and conditioner." A raspy voice murmurs from behind him before plastic bottles smack against his back, one after the other.

"OW! The fuck hyung?" Jimin hisses, turning around to glare at his older brother. He's slightly taken back at Yoongi's appearance. He honestly doesn't look too good.

Blood Roses// JikookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang