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My wattpad keeps glitching so I apologize if you get like... 8 notifications for this book lmao, but alas here I am again to tell you that :
This book is not an mpreg.
I'm not really into the whole pregnant thing so yeah....
(I swear to god if this doesn't save imma- 🔪)

OKI ENJOY(I swear to god if this doesn't save imma- 🔪)

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


"Yes Ha-Eun.... I understand." He says in a monotone voice. The taller vampire smirks.

"Good job dearie. You may go back inside." Jin turns around immediately, rolling his eyes at her attitude. She's so fake. So fake that it's obvious. Sighing, Jin barges into the living room, only to be met with a sleepy confused Jimin.

"Hyung???" Jimin rubs his eyes, squinting as he faces the older with a confused expression.

"You okay?" Jin asks, arching an eyebrow as he approaches the younger, sitting beside him on the couch.

Jimin nods. "Yeah I'm fine... I just... suddenly went to sleep??? I wasn't even tired." He says with a weird voice. "I don't remember even falling asleep. It just happened." He says drowsily.

Jin hums, shrugging. It's probably nothing. Jimin is a weird vampire and this doesn't surprise him. "Obviously you're not taking care of yourself very well. Did you get any sleep last night??"

Jimin scoffs. "I did. But I woke up in the middle of the night because dream Jungkook made me hard." He grumbles. "So around 2 am I woke up and didn't fall back asleep..." Jimin pauses. "I miss him.."

The older frowns. "I know... I miss the pack too but they're safe and that's all that matters-"

"It's not safe when he's going to be mating soon!!! If this plan that Namjoon is figuring out doesn't work, then that means I could loose Kookie forever." Jimin whispers and Jin swears he just felt his heart being ripped out of his chest.

"Jimin..." he sighs, hugging the smaller. "Everything will be okay... I promise."



"What the fuck am I doing in here???" Yoongi asks, looking around his room with a questioning gaze. He doesn't remember ever wanting to go to his room, or even walking to his room for that matter.

Scoffing, Yoongi shuffles towards his bed, falling onto it with a sigh. Lately it's been rough without the pack (no pun intended). Jimin is falling apart and Jin is overly stressed.
If only he didn't yell at Hoseok... then maybe this wouldn't have happened...

God... he misses Hoseok so much.. so much. And he doesn't know why. Is this love??? No... it can't be... can it??
Yoongi has never felt or experienced love before... human or vampire.. and it's very strange for his heart to suddenly choose orange.

Blood Roses// JikookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ