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"Jin hyung." The vampire rasps out, shuffling to the kitchen and leaning against the marble counter. It's around 10 am, early, too early for Yoongi's taste but he couldn't exactly sleep well last night. Too many things were going through his mind. First it was Jungkook being there, second it was the book.. and now, he's just scared on what this is all going to lead to.

"You okay?" A voice snaps Yoongi out of his thoughts, eyes snapping up.

"Huh? Oh yeah.. sorry. M'fine." He sighs, taking a seat at one of the high chairs. Jin is back at it again with making his lame human food.
Okay, it's not lame. It's actually pretty good. Just not really filling.

"I took your advice and got some blood." Jin informs, placing a plate full of food in front of the other then sliding a glass of blood afterwards.

"Wah, Jin hyung, good job. Now i'll actually enjoy one of your meals-"

"Yah! You brat! I have amazing food thank you very much!" Jin screeches, glaring at Yoongi from across the counter as he laughs his ass off.

"By the way hyung-" The shorter clears his throat, eyes scanning around the area but he plays it cool. "I got some things to tell you." He slightly whispers. "Later though..."

The older furrows his eyebrows. "What? Why? What's wrong?"

"You don't know if anyone is listening, Jin.."


"Thank you." Jinyoung bows his head as he accepts the glass of water he is handed. Namjoon hums, sitting back down and wiping his hands across his jeans. Earlier, he told Taehyung and Hoseok to stay upstairs and that they will know soon enough.

The alpha gives a knowing gaze at the visitors and Jinyoung is quick to start explaining.

"Okay, so here's my idea." He starts. "You know how when an elder dies, theres this huge funeral that is held that depending on the elder, can last up to 2 days?"

Namjoon takes in the information slowly. "Well yeah..."

"But get this, if an elder somehow.. oh I dont know... suddenly dies, then one of those giant funerals and grieving things will be taking place. Everyone will be there and be too distracted to even notice anyone gone."

The leader eyes Jinyoung wearily. "Jinyoung.. none of the elders are close to death. They are mostly very young..." He pauses. "What're you getting at??"

"Yeah well none of them aren't close... unless something happens to make one of them die."

Namjoon's eyes widen, heart beginning to thump faster. "Are you imposing that we kill an elder?!" He screeches out, facial expression showing nothing but horrified.

Jinyoung bites his lip. "Well... maybe..."

"NO!" Namjoon growls, standing up and throwing the glass he was previously holding onto the floor. "Never. How dare you-" He lets out a shaky breath, trying to calm himself. "Jinyoung, that's not going to happen-"

"What other choice do we have?"

Everyone turns around, facing three males. "What other chance will we have to go back?" Jungkook repeats, staring at Namjoon with hard eyes.

"Jungkook, where did you come from? And I told you two to stay in your room-"

"Who cares about those shitty elders anyways??" Taehyung scoffs. " They've done nothing but take from us. Hurt us. Why should we give our respect and time to wolves who wont even give us the same in return?"

"Guys, they are our elders. Just because they don't treat us well doesn't mean we go and fucking kill one of them! We give them respect and loyalty. It's their choice on whether to return it or not." Namjoon growls.

"You're really going to risk the only chance to get back to Jin hyung just because of respect and loyalty?" Jungkook growls back, taking a daring step forward. Oh, indeed you can see the anger in Namjoon's eyes, and it's a death wish to face him right now. But Jungkook wont go out without a fight.

"You better bow down, now Jungkook." Namjoon warns, fists clenching as he stares intently down at the younger.

"Or what?? You'll hit me? Hurt me? Starve me? or maybe even lock me up?" The words are full of venom. "I don't give a fuck about what you're going to do to me." He takes one more step closer, their noses now almost touching.

"This is happening, Namjoon. With or without you."

I'll try to update more! I've been super busy and kinda have been losing the light to write nowadays. But so sorry for that wait.

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