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A/N: I just got a BTS book.... thank you so fucking much target.



"Namjoon! Wait! What're you doing?!" Jin asks, finally catching up to the wolf.

"Um... Getting Hoseok and Yoongi?" Namjoon answers as his hand rests against the doorknob of yoongis room.

"You can't just walk in?! There's something called knocking for a reason! Plus! I don't want to disrupt anything that might be going on in there." Jin states, placing his hands on his hips. The wolf stares at him in disbelief.

"Jin, not to burst your bubble or anything but what the hell would we be disrupting?! This is Yoongi and Hoseok we're talking about!"

"Well, last night, you know how there was that thunder storm? Yeah well I woke up to Yoongi feeling scared... but then he stopped being scared when the storm was still going on." Jin explains. The alpha stares at him with his eyebrows knit together.

"So you're saying that-"

"I've got a feeling Hoseok comforted him last night. That's why he stopped being scared." The vampire proudly smiles.

"That's a stupid assumption." Namjoon deadpans.

"Oh just shut up and let me handle this." Jin snaps, shoving the wolf to the side before crouching down and cracking open the door silently. Namjoon sits beside Jin on the other side of the door, placing his ear on the wall.

"Okay.. um..." Yoongi stares at his hands as they play with the bedsheets nervously.

The wolf beside him waits patiently for him to speak, not wanting to pressure the male in any way.

"It happened a long time ago... W-When I was human...." Yoongi dares to glance at Hoseok, only to find the wolf staring at him. He quickly looks down. "I was having a normal day.... like always. Ran through my schedule and before I knew it, the clock read 6pm. I didn't own a car back then so I always walked home, which I didn't mind. The night was mostly silent, the rain and thunder being the only sounds and not many cars were out in the streets. Everything was fine until I heard a loud scream. Me being the caring person I was, I immediately started running towards it and found myself in an alley way. The boy that screamed was standing there still but when I get closer, he fell down, back into my arms. He was smaller than me.. so it was easier to hold him.. I was already too late... I couldn't save him... the wound on his neck was clear to me and that's when I started freaking out...That's when I spotted another boy laying on the ground, lifeless. Both by the same cause. I never believed in this vampire, supernatural shit but seeing those bodies.." Yoongi trails off. He sighs deeply before continuing. "Someone grabbed me after that. And I struggled, a lot. Before I knew it....I was dead."

He meets Hoseoks gaze and he sees utter fear.

"Y-Yoongi....my god.... I'm so sorry-that's..... that's horrible.." the wolf says quietly.

Yoongi sniffles. "It's okay.. it was a long time ago. Anyways that's why I'm scared of thunder. Because it was raining and thundering the night I lost everything."

"Was it Jimin and Jin?" Hoseok suddenly asks. "Is that who you saw that night you were bitten?"



"Jungkook this isn't funny... stop it." Jimin says in a shaky voice as he stumbles out of his chair and backs away from the approaching wolf.

"Hmm... how about..." in a swift movement, the vampire is pinned against the wall. "No."

Jungkook's eyes are now amber, glowing brightly. His pupils are full blown, lust very evident in his eyes.

"Honestly it hurts... how much you deny me. I'm not stupid, hyung. I know what game you play.." Jungkook's voice is husky, sending shivers down Jimin's spine.

"How much longer are you going to push me around and tell me no, Hmm? You can't stop denying the truth.."

The blonde gulps, gripping the curtains behind him tightly. A beautiful shade of pink spreads across Jimin's face as Jungkook inches closer.

"Can I... kiss you hyung?" Jungkooks voice is raspy. The latter gulps.

"I-I .... w-what?" Jimin asks, his mind not comprehending anything at the moment. The only thing he can focus on is the warm breath puffing against his lips and the soft touches he's receiving on his forearms.

Jungkook places his forehead against the vampires', their noses lining up and lips so close. They make eye contact, eye contact with so much feelings incorporated into one glance.

"I-If you kiss me I swear to god.." Jimin warns, his hands slightly shaking.

"What will you do? Hmm? Hurt me? Oh... I doubt that."

The younger tilts his head to the side as he slowly brings his lips closer until his soft ones are brushing against Jimin's.

Jungkook looks Jimin in the eye once more, asking for permission and in return, Jimin closes his, leaning against the wall even more as Jungkook's lips press against his.


"What're they talking about..?" Namjoon asks wearily. The older vampire sits still beside him, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"This is... I can't believe this is happening..." Jin whispers. The wolf quirks his eyebrow.
"I have never... ever in my life... seen Yoongi open up to someone like that..."

"Uh.... jin.." Namjoon stands up quickly before dragging the other boy up. "Abort! Abort!" They both run down the hall and turn the corner.

"Did you hear that?" Hoseok asks.

"Hear what?" Yoongis voice is heard.

"I swear I just heard Namjoon shouting.... huh."

"Come on. Let's go eat before Jin hyung beats our asses." Yoongi laughs.

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