"Meanwhile, this purple guy here has a thicker feeling on the girth. It could stretch your ass like a real cock if you move it deeper? You know what I mean?" He sighs tiredly. "I don't know, babe... I'm really having a hard time choosing what to give you so I'll just let you decide. Which one do you like more? Pink or purple? Or both?"

Hearing all of this cute nonsense makes Kyungsoo let out a chuckle. Seriously, if he was in a bad mood right now, he had already brushed off and cursed Luhan for telling him educational stuff about sex toys. Thankfully, Kyungsoo woke up on the right side of the bed and sex with Jongin was great this morning, so he could have Luhan pestering him today all he wants.

"Seriously, do I really have to choose between them?"

"Yep! Which one do you want to have?"

Kyungsoo thinks for a while.

"Hm. Can I just have a blowjob?"

"I'm talking about the toys right now, Kyungsoo. Not what you want right now."

"How much was the toy again per piece?"

"Don't ask me, bitch," Luhan puts his hands on his hips and childishly sticks his tongue out at Kyungsoo, "It's a secret."

"I bet you saved a lot of money just to buy these toys? I remember you telling me you've been waiting for them to restock."

"...well, yeah."

"Why don't you just have them for yourself? You can add them up to your collection. I really don't mind."

"I would love to own these dildos for myself but I bought it mainly for you as your birthday present. I wanted to give you the best sex toy you could ever have!"

"Luhan, you don't actually have to give me a birthday gift. I already told you before that it's fine if you just give me a card, or a kiss, or whatever your ass could afford. Plus, I don't use a toy on my own that much anyway."

"No! I refuse to listen!" Luhan covers his ears, shaking his head to deny it. Honestly, Kyungsoo's always like this every year. Kyungsoo would always say not to give him presents and it's so unfair. Why does his boyfriend always have to give but not receive? "It hurts my feelings when you say that!"

Kyungsoo stares, a little guilt flashing on his face. He didn't know about that.

He coughs, taking back his words.

"What I'm saying is, I was just kidding. I prefer the purple one. I badly wanted it. Like, as soon as I saw it, I knew that this sex toy was destined to be mine. I had to own that baby."

Luhan blinks.

"...you do?"

"Absolutely. I really wanted to have a realistic sex toy that goes thicker when you use it deeper in your ass. That must feel so fucking good," Kyungsoo checks for Luhan's reaction which seems to be getting brighter indicating he's happy, "I can't wait to use it to myself while I tie Jongin down the bed as he watch me fuck myself with that dildo."


"Really. And I'll even take a pic of me doing it and I'll send that to you."

"Oh my god! That's so hot...!"

"Uh-huh. I'm getting hard just by imagining it."

"You made the right choice, then! I legit asked Sehun earlier and he said you'd choose the purple one!" Luhan squeals happily and embraces Kyungsoo, kissing him on the lips with a smooch, "I don't regret buying it! Damn, I can't wait to wrap it with a cute packaging~ Pretend you didn't know what's inside when you open it, okay?"

Our Days at Twenty-five: BOOK 4 - CHANBAEK FFWhere stories live. Discover now