"More than you can imagine."

Shifting my hand awkwardly underneath the fridge I disguisedly furrow my brows at the amount of dust I feel myself touching. That fact some of it is sticky doesn't fill me with a lot of joy. However, I finally catch something I don't believe is attached to the fridge. Pinching the small bag I pull it out and immediately scowl down at the object in hand. A nasty little witch resulting hex bag no bigger than my palm. Rising back to my feet I give Dean a dirty look, one he equally matches when I raise the hex bag palm up. Of all the supernatural beings I hate witches are in my top three. They're nasty, sneaky, and don't tend to get their hands dirty. Catching Sam's eye, I raise the hex bag and his features flinch to dim in disgust. Yeah, we're not particularly fond of em. "Mrs. Wallace did Luke have any enemies?" Sam questions, calmly prying "Anyone who might hold a grudge against him?"

At the insinuation, Mrs. Wallace reaches to clutch her necklace utterly mortified "W-What do you mean?"

"Co-workers?" I begin trying to suggest, stuffing the grotty hex bag into the pocket of my clean blazer "Neighbours? Maybe a woman?"

Understanding where I'm going, Mrs. Wallace snaps "Are you suggesting an affair?"

Not at all denying it, I ask "Is it possible?"

"No- No Luke would never-" breaking off Mrs. Wallace raises her hand to suppress the tears I no doubt caused from the insensitive insinuation.

Catching Sam's disapproving eye over her shoulder I merely offer a brazen shrug knowing that a scorned witch could darn well be deadly, "I'm very sorry Mrs. Wallace but we have to consider all possibilities."

"If someone wanted my husband dead", Mrs. Wallace growls grievingly towards Sam her narrowed gaze flickering to me "Don't you think they'd find a better way than a razor in a piece of candy he might eat?"

Raising my eyebrow I remind myself she's a grieving woman when the small of Dean's hand gently pushes me towards the exit of her home "Thank you for your time Mrs. Wallace."


"Damn. I hate witches but this is some pretty remarkable spell work" I voice slightly humbled by the craft, twirling a flower stem between my fingers.

Flopping onto the couch, Dean's unwrapping a tiny bar of festive chocolate when he asks "You find anything interesting?"

"Well it's definitely not our typical witch hunt", I tell the boys as Sam snaps a thick lore book close with a clap. Twirling the flower over the coffee table from where I'm perched unbothered on the floor beside the furniture, I easily identify "Goldthread. Believed to be extinct for the last two hundred years."

"Believed?" Sam asks, looking between me and the dried up crusty flower.

"I've got a couple stashed away", I shrug, delicately placing the plant down "For the rain when it doesn't stop pouring."

Thoughtfully nodding, Sam leans over the table and points out curiously "What about that silver coin? Where's it from?"

Impressively, I reach to pick up the authentic chipped silver piece "It's Celtic and not some cheap knock off at that. It's the real deal. Like 600 years real deal." Reaching over my shoulder, Dean delicately picks up the small charred piece it admittedly took me longer to figure out the heritage to. Twisting it around in his fingers I can't help but hesitate a second to inform him "And that Dean is the charred metacarpal bone of a newborn baby."

"UGH!" Dean all but tosses the bone back onto the coffee table with a clatter, wiping his hand down his jeans "Gross."

"Relax dude", Sam leans over to impressively inspect the bone "It's like a hundred years old."

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