Chapter Forty Two

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Leaning in the hospital doorway I watch him stare outside

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Leaning in the hospital doorway I watch him stare outside. Like the answer lies there and he is just waiting it out of hiding. One hand in his lap, the other laid on the wheel of his wheelchair. Bobby's knuckles bruised from where he tried to punch out a doctor but lost his balance. Fell right out from the chair and onto the tiles. The way the fire ignited in his eyes I would say his pride was more wounded than his body.

Thumbing the yellow envelope in hand my gaze drifts to peak into the X-Ray folder. Displayed on my ribs are hundred of Enochian sigils. From the markings and what I know of Enochian, they're old- far older than anything I've ever seen. For Castiel to have laid something on me this powerful I would have to say we're knee-deep in some pretty dark shit. And the Devil... there are hundreds and thousands of old lore depicting how to ward him off or chain him up but nothing-nothing- on how you kill him. I have my doubts the Demon pig-sticker Dean's carrying will do the trick.

Your lassy here would have a better chance if she wasn't on lock up. No Angel wants to release that kind of power and it's in every Demon's interest not to touch it.

The vibration of Bobby's phone draws me out of my thoughts. Bobby spares it a glance before averting his stare back out the hospital window. Rolling my eyes, I sashay into the room "Why don't I take over crisis management for you for the minute."

"My mind works just fine."

Snatching the phone I hold it extended to Bobby, "Then pick it up." When I only get stared back at I roll my eyes. Should have seen that one coming. Flipping the phone open, I hold it to my ear "Hello?"

"El! E-Dam it! C-an you he-ar m-e!"

Furrowing my brows trying to make out the broken words over the line, I recognise the voice "Rufus?" Catching unmistakable gunfire my heart skips a beat, "Rufus you're cutting out what's happening?"

"I need help. Seems up to my ass-Demons. Town-infected."

Waving off Bobby's stare, I voice as clear as possible "Location?"




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