Chapter Twenty Four

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"So Dean if you see me on stage shaking it to Sweet Cherry Pie remember I'm in South Dakota

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"So Dean if you see me on stage shaking it to Sweet Cherry Pie remember I'm in South Dakota."

"Down Sparky. Not in front of Uno and Dos over here."


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"Yo Bobby", I skip into his study, knocking inconsiderately on the red wallpaper as I go barging in "The boys have got three men who beat their wives to death for a strippers

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"Yo Bobby", I skip into his study, knocking inconsiderately on the red wallpaper as I go barging in "The boys have got three men who beat their wives to death for a strippers."

Leaning back in his chair, Bobby closes the thick book he was already flicking through. A dumbfounded look splashed over his expression. "Yeah", bobby drawls, "I think I'm going to need to hear that one more time."

Knowing he understood me, I explain "Doc who performed the autopsy found high traces of oxytocin in their systems."

"The love hormone."

Snapping my fingers in a gun-like fashion towards him, I mention "But there lies the catch. All three men loved their wives. Winchesters told me they're sticking with their love for their late wives even after the fact." Thoughtfully Bobby nods along. These factors no doubt flickering around in his head. Picking up an Aztec talisman from the pages Bobby's buried under, I flip it mindlessly in my hand "I'd been thinking Witch's but it doesn't really explain the oxytocin so I narrowed it down to maybe group of Succubi?"

"Succubi are nasty things that could surely weave a complicated web for their Vic's" Bobby agrees, shoving aside the book of lore he'd previously been engrossed in "But bashing in the skulls of the women their Vic's love? That seems a little too excessive."

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