Chapter Twenty

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"I swear to every god under every religion I am going to smack you into your next life if you keep laughing at me, Dean Winchester

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"I swear to every god under every religion I am going to smack you into your next life if you keep laughing at me, Dean Winchester."

Pamela Barnes

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Pamela Barnes.

I'll admit it didn't take a hard hitting argument to get her into the Impala and rushed back to Bobby's. Considering Castiel's... being... stole her sight she seemed more than happy to aid in our fight against them. "I didn't know how you manage without help", I tell Pamela leading her downstairs in Bobby's home. Not that she needs us leading her. She's taking the stairs down to the basement like she has her sight. Skeptically, I pry "Is it like the Force?"

"I'm not a Jedi if that's what you're asking", Pamela scoffs absurdly at me, clapping my shoulder when she twirls around the banister of the stairs.

Sam must've heard become he slips out of the Demon bunker, Anna lingering in the doorway with Ruby who's wise enough to remain silent. "Pamela", Sam eagerly wanders over "Hey."


"It's me."

"Sam?" Pamela feels up Sam's arms and I have to glance over my shoulder to keep myself from grinning. Although one glance at Dean and we both almost lose it laughing. Dean barely managing to smooth his escaped chuckle with a cough. Pamala had pulled that shit with us not one hour ago and I have to say it's still funny. "Sam is that you?"

"Yeah Pamela", Sam holds his arms for her to feel up, completely oblivious "Yeah it's me. I'm right here."

Sighing as she trails her hands over his face, down his chest "You know how I can tell?" Suddenly his friendly demeanor drops when Pamela grabs Sam "That perky little ass of yours." His tight smile flickering behind her to us I burst into a wide-eyed grin. Yeah. Just as funny. "I'm serious", Pamela tilts her head back to us "Can bounce a nickel off of that thing." Playfully patting Sam who chuckles uncomfortably, Pamala beams "Of course I know it's you grumpy. Like how I know that's a Demon and this poor girl is Anna... and that you've been eyeing my rack." Jaw slackening Sam stumbles for a response only for Pamela to wave him away "Don't sweat it kiddo. I've still got more senses than most." Dean and I smugly bypassing Sam, I can't help but arch my brows at Sam. This only goes earning me a hard shove to the shoulder as I pass him by. "Hey, Anna. How are you? My name Pamela", taking Anna's hand I notice she's more at ease with Pamela in the room with us "Dean and El have told me what's going on. I'm excited to help."

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