Chapter Six

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"Eleanor I saw that!"

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"Eleanor I saw that!"

"Wasn't hiding it."

"Well then tell me what else it could be

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"Well then tell me what else it could be."

"Look- all I know is I was not groped by an Angel."

"Okay Dean- Why do you think this... Castiel would lie to you?"

"Maybe he's some kind of Demon? Demon's lie."

"A Demon who's immune to salt rounds and Devil's Traps- and Ruby's knife?  Lilith is scared of this thing!"

"Don't you think if Angel's were real that some Hunter- somewhere- would've seen one? At some point? Ever?"

"Dean you just did!"

Lifting my gaze from the thick dusty book my back remains to the brothers arguing in the kitchen from where I'm sat in front of Bobby. Twirling the iron ring dagger I silently hold the point from my brain and resist the urge to stab the zone beginning to throb from their back and forth quarreling. Yet that still doesn't stop Dean call me out, "Eleanor I saw that!"

With a flip of my dagger around my hand and away from my skull, I throw cynically over my shoulder "Wasn't hiding it."

Tossing my legs casually over the chair arms I notice Dean stood hands by his side as I lean to get a look of the pair, brows furrowed disapprovingly towards me "I'm trying to come up with a theory here okay? Neither of you is helping- I mean work with me here."

"We have a theory", I assertively interject with a wave of my hand towards Sam who's agreeably nodding along sat at the cluttered dining table "Or at least I'm trying to come up with one between you're yammering with Sam!"

"You're buying into what he said? Angel's?" Dean questions absurdly from where he's rooted in the center of the kitchen, stubborn and unmoving.

"Well we ruled out everything last night Dean- between Bobby and I we've got a pretty good grip on what is out there", I tell him, motioning down to my childhood bedroom which has been transformed into a storage cupboard of the ancient "Maybe consider Castiel is being truthful."

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