Chapter Seventy Four

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"Don't. Don't you fucking dare Eleanor."

Weeks pass and it's been

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Weeks pass and it's been... it's been better.

Castiel been off on his own hunt for purpose. With God, or who we are presuming is God, having brought him back from chunks of blown apart meat he's been restoring Heaven after the Archangel debacle. It's not spared him from helping me hone an angelic thing or two. Whilst my natural born ability and senses have heightened, my ability to heal on command doesn't exist- I've found that out up and close with a couple of healthy gashes delt therapudically by Cas himself. He's tuned me into the Angel radio and that's taken a minute to turn of. It's a slow process but Cas has been patiant.

Bobby's worked with me researching this cage Sam's caged Lucifer inside. Dragged Adam and Michael in with him so the story goes. With Bobby's legs here to stay we've been able to cover more ground between the public library records of old and the internet of new. We've exhusted every line of thought, every journal, news artical, public record- nothing showing another way into the cage. He even escourted me on a trip to visit Crowley who relayed to me the same answer; we cannot open the cage without letting both Lucifer and Michael out. Crowley's specific words aren't something I'm eager to repeat. That's led to the difficult conversation we needed to have with Dean. That we don't have a way of getting Sam back...We cannot spring Sam Winchester from the cage without ramifications .

This has sent Dean spiralling further into the greif that's dowsed Bobby's home. The nightmares came for him first. We're still stuck in an unforgiven space so I'm left watching him wake in cold sweats yelling until he's woken hoarse. Dean's drunk his way through Bobby's home despite my attemtps to hide it all away. When he took to loitering at the town bar I had to cancel every card I knew was falsified under Dean and Sam's alias's. Still didn't stop him from hustling cash but at least I could slow Dean down. It's hard news to deliver. Even harder when he'd step out of my touch. Like a stain he wanted to get away from.

The Impala door slams but I don't turn my gaze from the house across the street. The dim lights on indicates the owners still awake even in the late hours of the night. A suprising little detail in this quiet suburban neighbourhood of two stored white painted houses and lush green lawns.

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