Chapter Eight

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"Apocalypse- Rising of the Witnesses- Geese from Above

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"Apocalypse- Rising of the Witnesses- Geese from Above. Bigger things Sam."

Edging down the corridor Dean and Sam nudge further forwards to take point whilst I cover Bobby's back, spellbook clutched tightly in his stubby hands

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Edging down the corridor Dean and Sam nudge further forwards to take point whilst I cover Bobby's back, spellbook clutched tightly in his stubby hands. Carefully glancing behind me to check nothing's manifested I almost bump smack into Sam when we reach the stairs up from the basement. Curiously I arch my eyebrow at the sight of a man perched atop the steps. Curly hair tumbling in a mane down his back I want to cringe at how dead he looks. Pale, bloated features that don't make the weight on him look any healthier.

"Hey Dean" he greets, not an inkling of sincerity in his cold smile "Remember me?"

Furrowing my eyebrows, I spare Dean a glance which only lasts a second. Recognition flashes over his face. The shotgun lowered an inch, Dean greets with a friendly smile "Ronald? With the laser eyes?" Only greeted by a hard-hitting silence, Dean mentions "Wish I could say it's good to see you."

"I'm dead because of you" Ronald growls towards Dean through his gritted teeth, shooting to his feet "You were supposed to help me!"

When it's clear neither of the boys will step up I pump my shotgun and raise it up, blasting Ronald with rock salt. "If you're going to shoot" I voice, stepping past them to take the lead upstairs "Then shoot." Smoothly I creep upstairs snapping my weapon up to check either direction when I pass through the threshold back into the house. Watching down the hallway I wait patiently for movement as Dean, Sam, and Bobby slink behind me. It's when I recognise their footsteps echoing away that I dart off after them.

Darting into the study as Bobby slams the book down with a bang, I swiftly catch the salt bag Sam tosses my way. Dismissing my gun for the second I yank open the drawstrings. Running opposite to Sam I draw the crystals thickly around Bobby's desk and Dean who's attempting to get the fire started within the hearth. Once the lines are drawn I toss the bag aside, Bobby orders to one of us "Upstairs. Linen closet- red hex box. It'll be heavy."

"I got it!" Abruptly I leap across the room, jumping the salt line with haste knowing the exact box Bobby is wanting.

Scooping up my shotgun, Sam's hot on my heels. Boots thudding against the creaky hardwood I swing around the staircase banister with fury when Sam assuringly calls "I got El!" Sam's barely spared a glance as we bolt upstairs in the hopes to beat the ghosts back to the salt circle. It's not a solid ghost proof idea such as the panic room below my feet but it's better than sprinting through the house like chickens with their heads hacked off.

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