Chapter Sixty Two

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"Together we'll find it

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"Together we'll find it."

"I don't think you even know the meaning Eleanor."

My legs weaken without help to hold me up

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My legs weaken without help to hold me up. The pain in my gut has me kneeling over. Stuck between pain and vomiting I try to see past whatever damage Zachariah's done. Yet its blinding pain that hastens my uneven breathes. Torn desperately wanting more air and preventing my diaphragm from expanding and causing my body further stress.

"El" Dean familiar around wrap around my shoulders bringing me small comfort "El talk to me-"

"I'd suggest otherwise" Sam's hand rests on the centre of my back to steady my rocking "If Zachariah punctuated something it could be internal contusions."

"She has to breath Sammy!"

"I'm fine" my trembling hand finds Dean's knee "Just a little winded."

"El your not" he stubbornly disagrees "You covered in blood-"

"It isn't her blood" Sam cuts Dean off.

I can sense the look they're sending each other behind my back. It's that kind of silent brotherly communication that drives me mental. "Oi!" I snap with an agonised grunt "No silent moody conversations I can't see!"

"Oh! So only you get to do things behind our back? Hmm?" Dean's been stewing on that for an age- I just know it. Just like I know I'm going to be burned at the stake for this move as soon as we're beamed back to the mothership.

"Please" Startled, I jump as the older man's cold finger touch the crown of my head "Allow me." A warmth spreads through my veins and suddenly the ache in my jaw smoothes over and my breathes can be taken deeper. Any agonising pain that gripped my bones releases its hold and I find myself easing into the arms that hold me.

Lifting my gaze, I offer the older man a thankful smile "You didn't have to do that."

Hands rested by his side, the older man nods with a friendly smile "Happy to have been of aid. Come. I have things to tell you all."

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