Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Dean, did you seriously give El our mother's ring wrapped in a Chinese take-out menu?"

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"Dean, did you seriously give El our mother's ring wrapped in a Chinese take-out menu?"

"Dean, did you seriously give El our mother's ring wrapped in a Chinese take-out menu?"

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"El... you actually liked...that?"

"I thought it was adorable

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"I thought it was adorable."

Reaching the wall of the motel room we share I return to pacing the other way. I've kept Sam's secret for weeks now. Weeks. Every day passing eats me up a little more knowing that Dean's unaware of what Sam's capable of now with his powers. This is becoming less of a psychic thing and more... it's darker. The brothers are already walking on thin ice around each other as it stands. I don't want to be throwing another unnecessary spanner into the works. We're already aware Sam's keeping secrets from us but what they are just seem to keep shooting right over our heads.

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