Chapter Eighteen

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"Would you believe me if I said I missed your award-winning smile?"

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"Would you believe me if I said I missed your award-winning smile?"

"I might if I actually smiled."


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"Ugh. I despise Shifters", I complain, using a raggedy blue towel to try and scrap the skin goop from my cargo jacket. A huge chunk hitting the warehouse floor with a smack I pointlessly pick a large chuck from the towel only for it to cling stickily to my hand. Violently waving it, I frustratedly groan "New freaking jacket too."

"Newly borrowed or newly bought?" Glaring across the fire we've begun in the warehouse, Rufus smirks squeezing more gas onto the pyre "Borrowed. Always borrowed."

Yanking off the jacket, I aggressively throw it onto the burning Shifter bodies we've set fire to in the abandoned warehouse. "Whatever", I huff when the flames rise higher, dusting the last of the icky skin against my jeans "It wasn't my size anyways."

Prodding at the bodies with his shovel, Rufus pries "Any reason you're on a hunt with me instead of those buffoon Winchesters?"

"Would you believe me if I said I missed your award-winning smile?"

"I might if I actually smiled." Chuckling I tilt my head acknowledging. Rufus got me there. Leaning on his shovel, Rufus taunts and prods "Trouble in paradise?"

Crouching down I gently fall onto my butt, ignoring Rufus and watching the flames grow higher. It's been a week and besides the few messages sent here and there between Sam so I can keep updated, I haven't heard much. I think Dean's equally as pissed off for me pushing as I am for answers. "Dean remembers his time in the Pit", I confess to Rufus, my gaze stuck on the flickering flames and smell of burning flesh "But he lied to me about it. He's still lying to me about it."

"Welcome to an adult relationship kid", Rufus goes back to prodding at the fire "You can't make him talk or admit anything. You can only be there for him and if he tells you he tells you." Arching my brow, I find myself more engaged in what Rufus is saying "He's the one who went to Hell. He's the one who has to relive it. Talk about it. It's the boy's choice how he handles it. Not mine, yours, his brothers, or the damn almighty's. It's his."

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