Chapter Four

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Re-entering the slow-moving diner I wander over to the table which Sam and Dean have perched themselves at

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Re-entering the slow-moving diner I wander over to the table which Sam and Dean have perched themselves at. As the waitress wanders off with a notepad Sam catches my eye and motions me over. Not that I would've been going to sit anywhere else. Biting back the remark I collapse into a diner seat around the table "So I have good news and bad news."

"Bad news?" Sam reluctantly asks for first.

"Pam's stable. Bobby's with her in the ICU but doctors say she's lost all of her sight."

Raising his hand slightly from the table, Dean wonders sharply "What the hell is the good news?"

Wrapping my fingers around Sam's coffee mug, I raise it a little to silently thank him before I drop "She'll never get her eyes burned out of her skull again." When both Winchester's spare a guilty glance I reluctantly mention "One of us had to say it. We blinded her. Might want to take a second to dwell on how serious this thing is."

"Maybe longer then a second", Sam agrees taking back the mug I pass him "We still have no clue what we're dealing with."

"That's not entirely true."

My gaze wandering to Dean, I wait expectantly as Sam asks "No?"

"We got a name. Castiel" Dean reminds us. Tilting my head thoughtfully, Dean sinks across the diner table "With the right mumbo-jumbo we could summon him and bring him right to us."

"You're crazy."

"Absolutely not."

His gaze flickers defensively between the pair of us before Dean leans back in his chair, sitting himself a little straighter "We'll work him over. I mean after what he did?"

"Pam took a peek at him and her eyes got burned out of her skull", I rephrase for Dean, leaning over the table to stare him adamantly on the matter "If you wanna work this thing over you might be looking at resorting to a blindfold and an engraved wooden stick."

Dean watches me for a long moment before appreciatively humming "Karate kid? That's what we're working off?" When I defensively shrug Dean states "Please tell me you've got a better suggestion then that?"

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