Chapter Sixty Seven

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 "Sam! What the fuck?!"

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"Sam! What the fuck?!"

"Did you figure out the pattern yet El?"

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"Did you figure out the pattern yet El?"

"If I figured it out I'd be the one callin you" I roll my eyes at Sam, assuming "I'm guessin it's another steaming hot pile of swine flu?"

"None of this is makin sense" I hear Dean's voice in the background "Why's he dealing them soft serve like swine flu when he's got the croatoan virus up his sleeve? I-I-I don't get it?"

I remain quiet because it unsettles me too. You have the ability to release a big nasty supernatural super virus rush and you choose swine flu? "Well, far as I can tell, he's still heading east." Catching Bobby's eye he soundly nods at me from across the desk sending me a silent affirmative thumbs up. Double checking he's pulling up the same crap on the CDC's end as I am "So... head east, I suppose."

"Head east?" Dean groans frustratedly in the background once more "El all we've got infront of us is east!"

Beating me to cussing Dean out, Sam questions "You got anything better than east? All we're doing is eating Pestilence dust and it's not helping anyone."

I slam my laptop screen so fast Bobby jolts in his seat. A light bulb's gone off and it sends me leaping from my chair. "Can you guys hold that thought for a moment?"


"An hour tops! Just hold that thought!" I end the call, scrambelling for my boots. "Bobby I think I can get ahead of this" I hop on one foot, viciously yanking up my boot "I'll give you a call if I go AWOL."

"AWOL?" Staring at me like I've sprouted three heads and a tail, Bobby yells "You just got your stiches out missy! What on this green earth do you think you're doin goin AWOL on me?!"

"Keep watchin the CDC reports" I brush past Bobby to snatch my jacket, rushing for the kitchen door "I need to go make a call."

"To where- ELEANOR TO WHERE?!"

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