Chapter Seven

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"Don't give me that look

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"Don't give me that look. I'm not touching this one with a ten-foot pole."

Cracking open another empty car trunk I slam it shut with a furious bang

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Cracking open another empty car trunk I slam it shut with a furious bang. Spinning on the spot I round the yard to where Sam's searching his section of cars. "This is pointless!" I snap, worried and on edge over Bobby's disappearance "He might be crossing the border into another state by now Sam!"

"You said he disappeared in five minutes", Sam calmly addresses me as I run my erratic shaking hands through my hair. Waving his crowbar around, Sam rationalizes "He's here. I'm sure of it."

"Oh", I scoff cynically "If you're sure then why the hell am I panicking at all?"

Despite the dirty look Sam gives to my sarcastic expression he pops the trunk on another rusted red crushed sedan. I turn to wander back off into the yard before Sam is whistling. Hearing the short zip I pause my stride and spare him a careful glance over my shoulder. Sam all but turned to stone, he carefully motions towards a tower of three cars. Rolling my eyes I follow his hand only to see what Sam does. Water. It drips droplets from a side mirror attached to the top car.

But South Dakota hasn't seen rain in weeks.

He's trapped up there with a spirit. Running up to the tiers of cars Sam crouch's to hoist me up by my boot. Slamming the crowbar into the slat of the driver's door I give the metal a hard yank before the doors lock mechanism breaks. Gritting my teeth I haul open the door. Although I barely get a glimpse of the young, dressed up creepy twin girls before one sends me flying back. Thrown from the tiers my body crashes against a windshield, coughing when the air is slammed from my lungs.

Suddenly there is a flicker and one of the little girls appears over me. She watches me with hard dead eyes for only a second before disappearing in a swoosh of black smoke. Sam moves his hair from his face, dropping the crowbar in his grasp into the dirt with a weighty thud. Looking up to check Bobby's aright I see him driving an iron pole through the remaining twin who flickers away in an instant. Relief washing through me I collapse back against the smashed windshield, "Bobby you really need to consider a new address."

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