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I quickly rushing into my new apartment and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't believe them! Why the hell did I agree to this?! 

I let my backpack slip off my shoulder and fall to the floor with a heavy thud. I knew that that sound was probably very bad for my laptop, but I couldn't make myself care.  Why did I still feel tired after eating? God, I needed a nap. I dropped heavily onto the bed, sighing as my back hit the mattress. I knew I had to go out, but I couldn't make myself get up. 

A while later, I heard a loud beeping coming from my backpack. I closed my eyes, preparing to ignore it until it went away, but it kept going. Finally, my annoyance outweighed my tiredness. I rubbing my hands over my face before pushing myself to my feet.

I dug through my bag, grumbling loudly to myself. I eventually found the source of the sound, which turned out to be the worst possible thing in that moment. It was that stupid panic button I had given to Peter. Great. Now I had to go save his sorry ass.

I grabbed my earpiece and raced out the door.


I quickly made my way to Peter, Lilith screaming at me the whole way.

"What the hell, Celeste! You can't just pick and choose when to listen to me and when not to!" I smiled, creeping down a back alley I knew had no cameras.

"Just watch me." I stretched, letting out my extra limbs. As my suit crawled over my skin, I heard them. On top of the building to my right came the loud voices of the Avengers and, of course, Peter.

"Stop fighting us!" I heard the tin can yell. I sighed before jumping into the air. 

"Get off of me!" Screeched Peter, clearly struggling in the arms of the golden boy. I dived bombed the both of them, knocking them off of their feet. I hit the ground in a roll, shoving myself onto my feet in time to land a hard punch to Iron mans open mask. 

"Shit!" He stumbled back gripping his now bloody nose. "What the hell?" I smirked under my helmet. 

"I suggest you stop bothering him." Peter was standing behind me as I faced down the superhero's. 

"What, are you stalking us now?" Clint, of course, said. He doesn't know when to shut up, does he? 

I dispersed my molecules and reformed behind him, quickly knocking him unconscious with my hand.

"Now that he is taken care of, why don't you guys scram before I scramble your brains?" They all began to slowly walk into a circle around me.

"I'd like to see you try," growled Tony. I shrugged at them before preparing to give them hell.

"Suit yourself." They all rushed at me, arms outstretched to grab my limbs. First mistake. I released a breath I had been holding, letting my power and energy rush out with it. The results were perfect.

The blast hit them each equally, sending them flying backwards. They all landed on separate roofs, unconscious. I smiled for a second before turning back to Peter.

"I believe I've taken care of your problem," I said, brushing my hands off on my legs. "I'll be going then." I saw him take a breath like he was about to speak, but I was already gone.


I collapsed on my bed again, not bothering to even take my earpiece out. That took so much out of me, it was crazy. All I wanted to do was sleep forever.

"You should call Bucky," Lilith whispered gently. "You aren't doing well. You need help."

"I'll be fine, Lilith." I curled up around my aching stomach. "I always am."

I'm sorry it took so long to update. My motivation went down the drain for a while, but I'm back now!! FYI, the pic in the beginning to sort of how I see her teleporting. She breaks herself apart into a dust of sorts, then moves aroudn like that until she reforms somewhere.

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