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Trigger warning: gore, breakdown and some mentions of suicidal thoughts

As I blinked my eyes open, everything around me felt so fuzzy. It took a minute before the dread shot through my body when I realized where I was. I was back with Them. 

I jumped to my feet, pushing on the concrete walls to try and find a weakness. Everything felt  so fuzzy, like my head was full of cotton. I could hear screams that I recognized. I knew what day it was. I remembered this.

"NO!" I screamed, throwing myself into the walls, feeling my weak bones begin to snap with the force I was thrashing with. "LET ME OUT!" Nothing. Only the same screams as before.

"Wake up," I whispered, sliding down the wall and pinching my skin. I couldn't do this again. I couldn't survive it. "Please! Wake up!" My head snapped up as the metal door was shoved open. Guards swarmed the room with guns pointed right at my head.

"NO!" I yelled, trying to scramble away, but the leader simply grabbed me by the hair and began to drag me out. At this point, I was sobbing. I couldn't- oh god. 

"LET ME GO YOU BASTARDS! GET OFF! NO! STOP!" No response. I didn't really expect one. The fuzz pressed down, making me too weak to fight. "Please. Help." My whimpers went ignored. 

They shoved me into a bright, white room. It burned my eyes after being in the dark for so long. I screamed wordlessly when I saw the table. It was metal with leather straps to hold down all of my limbs. Around it were at least ten doctors, each with gloves, masks, and glasses. 

My body was dropped harshly onto the table, then my limbs were snapped into the cuffs as I sobbed.

"No, please," I begged." Don't do this. I'll do anything. PLEASE!" I was ignored. As the guards walked out of the room, the doctors gathered my head. God- please no- I can't-please. Help.

I could hear the saws starting and the clinking metal from the tools they were gathering in their gloved hands. They all moved around silently, preparing everything. I let out one last shriek before they began to cut into my skull.

My torso bucked in the overwhelming pain of everything. The fuzz just got worse as I screamed and cried out for someone, anyone, to help me. For someone to stop them. For someone to kill me.

Soon, the things around me began to fade away. The pain stayed, but my body fell away. It started in my toes and worked its way up my body. I knew exactly what they were doing. They were taking my brain out. 

"We need a specimen out of her,"  I had heard them say one day. I hadn't known what they meant until today.

My eyes closed for what hoped to be the final time as I felt my brain leave my head.


With a loud gasp, I returned to my body. Wild eyes glanced around in the white room, pain searing through my body. 

"Incredible!" One doctor said, moving into my line of sight as my chest heaved. "She made it." My limbs shook with exhaustion and fear, making the table rattle slightly. I don't remember how long I sat there as they cleaned up their tools. My whole body felt so heavy and tired, but the pain wouldn't let me sleep. It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my entire life.

Finally, they finished up, allowing for the guards to return and unstrap me from the table. My body was so tired with the pain and the fuzz, I didn't resist as they dragged me back to my cell.

They tossed me in roughly, not caring if I got hurt. I just laid there, watching them slam the door shut as tears rolled down my dirty face. Slowly, I curled my limbs close to myself, sobbing and shaking. Why? Why me? Why did they do this? Why didn't anyone save me?


With a gasp, I returned to myself. I was shaking and crying, trying to figure out where the hell I was. The fuzz was fading, but the echo of pain was still there. 

I pressed my back up against the wall, curling in on myself again. Sobs shook my whole body as I buried my face into my arms. I didn't want to go back there. I didn't want Them to find me. I don't want to hurt anymore.

After a while, I was able to look up at my surroundings. I was terrified that I would find myself back in my cell, covered in dirt and blood. With a watery laugh, I realized I was still in Bucky's apartment. I was safe. They weren't going to hurt me. As the shaking slowed, I stumbled to my feet.

Memories were shoved back into my head from the night before. After a few more tests, we went  and got pizza before they had to get back home. They had gotten a pizza for them to split, but they bought me my own. I had eaten half, but the rest was in the fridge, so I got that out to eat. 

I wiped my eyes and chugged some water before basically inhaling some cold pizza. I had woken Salem, so now she had jumped into my lap. Instead of sitting in a chair, I had chosen the corner in order to feel safer. She didn't seem to mind, instead just curling up and going back to sleep. 

Sighing heavily, I checked the clock. 3am. Looks like I will be up for a while.

This isn't my best and I might edit it later, but I thought this would be a good start. It basically just shows some of the horrors that Celeste went through when she was held captive. These types of things will typically be shown through nightmares, flashbacks, or her explaining it to other people. Anyway, I would also like to thank you guys for 4k read on this book. I didn't think it would get even close to this much attention, so thanks so much!! I will try and keep writing this week when I get a chance. I have also been updating another story of mine that has kinda gotten pushed to the backburner. Its called the perfect team and its about a bunch of girls what were created and trained to be the perfect weapon for the people who held them, or, as the title states, the perfect team. It's about their escape and how they make their way in the world. Check it out if you get a chance. 

I would also like to thank all of the people who voted, read, added to their library, or followed me since my last update. It gave me the motivation to write this, so thank you so much!!! Good bye for now


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