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For this chapter to make sense, you will need to go read the story 'Broken' by @The1StoryLove. We are doing something so we switch back and forth in writing the chapters for this crossover, so  you will need to read their chapter to understand this one. Their chapter is pretty short so it shouldn't take long to get caught up to speed.

TW: Gore, nightmares

We had been working for hours, mostly focusing on Abigail since if we could figure out how she got here, then we could figure out how to get back. My job has mostly been to just stay out of the way, so I wandered around a lot.

There were so many hallways to this place, which made it hard to figure my way around but I managed. Mostly by dragging my fingers on the walls so I knew where I had already been. I felt a strange entity close by, so I made sure to stay away from them. I didn't feel like getting into a fight about nothing right now. Although, maybe kicking some bastards ass is what I needed right now.

I reached out slightly to find Abigail and let her atoms be my anchor. I teleported over to her, making everyone in the room gasp as I appeared. 

"I'm heading out," I said, grabbing one of the boxes of takeout on the table. When did they get that?

"What?" Caitlin practically shouted at me as I cracked my extra limbs out. I rolled my neck before nodding.

"Yep. This is boring as shit and I need to blow off some steam."

"You can't just wandering around the city like that!" Joe exclaimed, crossing his arms in front of himself. "That's defiantly going to raise some questions."

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to show my face like this?" No response. Damn, that hurt. I sighed before letting my suit roll up my body. 

"Wow," Cisco whispered as he watched me. "That is the coolest thing I've ever seen!" I chuckled a bit at them, startling everyone except for Abigail with how my voice sounded.

"I'm going. If anyone wants to come with me," I glanced to Barry through my helmet, "they are welcome to join me if they can keep up." I let my atoms split up and shoot into the sky again, leaving behind shocked faces and the loud whoosh of Barry shooting out of the door. 

As soon as I was in the sky, I let out a loud screech that echoed far and wide. I was terrible at being discrete. I shot straight up, loving the feeling of the wind on my feathers. I reached the top of the clouds before tucking my wings in and falling back down. I was laughing happily as I rolled over and snapped my wings back open and shooting through the city. I couldn't move as fast as Barry, but I still could go pretty damn fast. 

I looked down to see a red blur rush past me, seeming to challenge me.

"If that's how you want to play..." I muttered before breaking down again and catching up to him with ease. I curled around him for a second, making him trip and fall before reforming in front of him.

"You should be more careful, Roadrunner!" I laughed, two hands on my hips.

"How did you do that?" He gasped, stumbling to his feet. I just chuckled again before breaking down again. He stared at me as the I, now a black cloud, shot around him and reformed on a dumpster behind him.

"It's not that hard. I move faster like that anyway." I turned my head around to see a black blur snap to a stop next to Barry.

"Sorry for the delay!" Abigail gasped as her helmet snapped open. "Cisco just had to put the finishing touches on it before I could head out."

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