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"Wow!" I whispered as I spun around in my 'new' apartment. "This is awesome!" Bucky chuckled, looking at me like I was crazy.

"You and I have different definitions of the word 'awesome'." I glared back at him before turning my attention back to the apartment. It wasn't anything super fancy or nice. It had a main living room that connected to the kitchen, which had a fridge, a freezer, a microwave, and a stove with an oven. Everything I would need to make food in the future. I rushed over to the only other door in the small space, right next to the fridge. It led to the bedroom that had a small, but functional, bed in it. I wandered into the attached bathroom, which actually wasn't that bad. Sink, shower, toilet, what else did I need? I got a running start and jumped into the bed, which sent a large cloud of dust shooting up into the air. I started coughing and hacking, which sent Bucky doubling over in laughter. 

"Shut up!" I managed to spit out, rolling onto the floor. "I should have thought that though!" 

"That has been the best part of my day!" He chuckled, reaching down a hand to help me up. I took it and he pulled me to my feet.

"You better shut up before I rip out your tongue." I growled as I walked back into the main room.

"Sure you will." I ignored him and opened the fridge. It would suck to have this place only to find out Bucky left a carton of milk in the fridge months ago. Lucky for me, it was empty.

"Try me and find out." I dropped my backpack down by the couch and collapsed on it. As I stretched with a loud yawn, I kicked off my shoes. 

"Damn, you haven't even been here for five minutes and you're already making yourself at home!" I smiled as I closed my eyes.

"Oh please! I live here now ya know. I'll do what I want!"

"Uh huh," Bucky said sarcastically as he sat down In the chair to my right. 

"I wish you had let me in sooner! This is great! Now all I need is my first paycheck so I can stock the fridge and buy a shit ton of gummy bears and it will be perfect." I opened my eyes to see him frowning at me. "What?"

"I swear, on of these days your eating habits will catch up to you. When was the last time you ate something that had any sort of nutritional value?"

"Hmm, lets see. When did you bring me that salad?"



"That was a month ago! Are you seriously telling me you've had nothing healthy in a month!"

"Unless there was something good in the stuff that the other interns brought me, then no."

"Oh dear god." He smacked himself in the face before glaring at me again. "How in the hell are you still alive?" I shrugged and stared at the ceiling.

"Its fine! You worry too much." He sighed and stood up. 

"I don't think I worry enough, especially when you eat shit all the time."

"Hey, at least I'm eating!" He chuckled before walking toward the door.

"Baby steps I guess. He waved before he opened the door. "See ya soon Celeste."

"See ya." I yawned as he shut the door behind him. God, it had been a long day. Until I could clean off the bed, it looks like I'll be sleeping here for a while. I shut my eyes and gave in to my exhaustion. 

( I might be changing some things in other chapters before I publish the next chapter. I'll let you guys know which ones I've made changes so you can see them before you read the next chapter.)

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