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"Who the hell are you?!" Clint Barton said, jumping off of the couch. I rubbed my hands over my face.

"Fuck this. Fuck all of this." I muttered angrily. "Stupid AIs."

"Her A.I. contacted me after reconfirming that she is malnourished and-"

"Oh my god just shut up!" I yelled at the disembodied voice from the elevator. I ran my fingers through my hair before stomping over to the elevator again.

"Wait, what?" Steve Rodgers asked, clearly confused. I punched the button for the elevator, but nothing happened. I hit it again with the same response. I let out a small shriek and slammed my hand on the closed doors, causing the rest of the group to jump up off the couch.

"I'm only going to ask one more time," Clint said, "who the hell are you?!" I banged my head on the hard metal, muttering curses under my breath.

"My name is unimportant. The only thing you need to know is I'm an intern downstairs and I was just kidnapped by your elevator, so if you'll kindly open the doors, I'll leave." I turned around to face them, leaning on the wall, trying to stop my legs from shaking from the strain of standing.

"Wait!" Bruce Banner yelped, making my eyes snap to him. "What was FRIDAY saying? About you being malnourished......?" I rolled my eyes.

"My AI, Lilith, is just over reacting. I'm fine." I tapped my fingers on my arms impatiently.

"That is incorrect. I have made a scan of her and she is severely malnourished and underweight." I growled at the voice, glaring at the ceiling.

"Whatever. I'm fine. Now, if you'll kindly open the doors, I'll be out of your hair." The Avengers all looked at each other as they all seemed to some to the same conclusion silently. I hoped it was in favor of my wishes, but I highly doubted it.

"Here's the deal," Steve said, my gaze flickering to him. God, I wanted nothing more than to smash his face through the wall. "You eat something, and we open the doors and you're free to go." I snorted.

"How about you open the doors and I don't sue you for kidnapping?"

"I doubt you would win against my lawyers." Fucking Stark. He was the worst.

"When don't you want to eat with us? Most kids would kill for a chance to even look around this place?" Clint asked.

"If you haven't noticed, I don't buy into this stupid program. I don't idolize you. I don't care what you eat or what your fucking house looks like. I just want to go back downstairs and work on my AI. Or do you want to hold me hostage some more?" I was shaking with fury now, all my adrenaline back into my veins to keep me from passing out. They all seemed surprised when I said that. Like no ones ever said that to them before.

"After you eat, you're free to go." God damnit. Stupid Steve Rodgers.

"Look, I'm fine. Lilith just likes to bother me, nothing more than that. So just open the doors and let. Me. Go." My voice dropped to a dangerous hiss at the end which seemed to shock everyone. It seems I have that effect on people.

"What's going on?" Bucky asked, wandering into the room. Finally! A sane person!

"Bucky! Thank god! Tell them to let me go!" I placed my hands on my hips, angry.

"Bucky?!" Steve said, glancing over at his friend. "Do you know her?!" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Duh! Who do you think has been working on his arm for months?" Stark's mouth fell open.

"That's you doing that?! What the hell?! There's no way that's you!" I raised my hand, stopping him from saying anything else.

"Shhhhh! The grown ups are talking right now!" His face turned bright red with fury as I smirked at him.

"Celeste? What are you doing up here?!" Bucky asked. I threw my arm out, gesturing at the elevator.

"I was kidnapped the fucking elevator. I didn't think this is how my day was going to start, but I don't want to deal with this BULLSHIT before I've had coffee. So, please, let me go back to my floor and do my FUCKING WORK!" My chest heaved as I finished my angry speech. Bucky chuckled as the rest of the Avengers stared at us in shocked silence.

"Why did FRIDAY kidnap you? Did you piss someone off?" I rolled my eyes.

"Haha, very funny."

"I thought it was."

"If I may say something," FRIDAY began, "I brought her up here because she is malnourished and underweight." I groaned again before slamming my hand on the elevator doors again.

"God, I need coffee." I rubbed my hands over my face, closing my eyes so I didn't have to look at Bucky's disappointed expression.

"I thought we talked about this. I stop bothering you about it, and you tell me when you need to eat." He walked over to the kitchen and pulled something out of the cabinet.

"Here." He said throwing something at me. I caught it in my left hand just before it hit my face. Nutella. The only thing I couldn't resist. Damn it, Bucky.

"Am I good now?" I asked the rest of the Avengers holding up the jar.

"I-I guess...." Steve said. "FRIDAY, unlock the elevator." I smiled as the doors whooshed open.

"Goodbye!" I called behind me as I walk back inside of the elevator. Right before the doors shut all the way, I heard all of the avengers start yelling at Bucky at the same time. I smirked as I leaned back against the wall of the elevator. This was already turning out to be such a strange day.

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