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After that whole stunt with Captain America, I was tired as hell. I had not only finished my jerky, but also my coffee. I couldn't get anything else out of my snack bag because that had to last the whole week, so I was between a rock and a hard place. 

"Just ask Bucky for something!" Lilith growled at me when my stomach grumbled for the fourth time.

"And why would I do that?" I asked, beginning my work on her code again.

"So you don't fucking die!" I chuckled at her.

"Wow! You've picked up some naughty words, Lilith! Who taught you those?"

"Gee, I wonder," she replied in a deadpan voice. Ah yes, my favorite pass time. Pissing off Lilith. 

"Relax, Lilith! I'll be fine. I always am."

"Yeah, and one day you won't. So, please, just ask." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm fine Lilith. A few hours won't kill me, so stop worrying!" I ripped out my ear piece so I could work in peace. But, of course, I couldn't work in silence, so I put in my earbuds and began to blast music.

I worked like that for a while, but then was interrupted by the tin can returning. He seemed surprised to see me in here.

"Huh. I didn't think I had put your face into the scanner yet." He sat down across the table from me and took out his work. I turned my music down a bit so I could hear him better.

"You didn't," I said, not even looking up. I could feel his eyes on me, but ignored him. I didn't want to deal with any other pointless conversations today. Lucky for me, he just seemed to drop it favor to continuing to work in silence. 

I was working on uploading Lilith into several different places so even if my copies of her got somehow deleted, I would still have all the basics. I knew she was trying to get me to put my ear piece back in, but I ignored her. I was tired of fighting her all of the time. 

I finished the uploads quicker than I thought, so I decided to move on to my next project. Nothing to major, just something to make sure nothing like what happened before didn't again.

I must have spent more time on it than I thought, because there was a quick knock at the door. Stark frowned, but walked over to open the door to a smiling Bucky. 

"Time to eat!" God, why was he so chipper? It kills me sometimes.

I began to shut my stuff off and shove it into my bag.

"Celeste?" Bucky called to me causing me to look up. "Are you coming to eat with up today?" There was so much hope in his voice.

"I don't think I have much choice," I sighed, giving him a soft smile before standing. His wide smile brightened up the room.

"Great! This way!" I followed him as he practically skipped out of the room, Stark behind me.

I could hear people chatting around the table from around the corner, but all of that stopped as I walked into the room. All of their heads swiveled around to glare at me. I wasn't one to back down from a fight, but this was one I didn't want to bother with today. I'll just grab some coffee from downstairs and go to bed early. I was about to make my new plans known when I heard a familiar voice.

"Celeste!" Peter called to me, smiling. "I saved you a seat!" I rolled my eyes, but was silently grateful for him. I think he knew how I really felt when I sat down next to him. 

I looked up, trying to make eye contact with the golden boy, but he avoided my gaze. Thank god. I didn't feel like dealing with even more drama today.

The room was quiet as we dug into the food in front of us. Of course, it was takeout, but at least it had like a billion calories. That meant that I could actually get shit done tonight.

Peter kept trying to make conversation, but everyone either gave short answers or ignored him completely in favor of staring at me. I didn't let on that it was making me uncomfortable, yet Bucky kept glancing at me as if he was trying to read me. He had learned the hard way that I had a great poker face. I finished my food as fast as I could without choking and stood up.

"As fun as this has been, I think I'll be going." I began to leave, but a voice stopped me.

"Sit down." I stared at Black Widow as she glared at me.

"And why would I do that?" 

"Because we have some questions for you." I snorted and moved my gaze to the Captain.

"You haven't seemed like you wanted anything to do with me so far, so what changed your mind?"

"They were to scared to ask, so I'm taking upon myself. What's your angle?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, nothing original? I expected more from you guys, of all people." She frowned at me, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh you haven't heard? Why don't you tell them about our little encounter earlier, golden boy?" I watched as all eyes turned to him, making him become very interested in his plate of food. "What? Have you gone mute again?"

"Celeste," Bucky began in a warning tone.

"What? They were the ones to start all of this!"

"Yeah, well, I'm ending it!" I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I stormed to the elevator just to find out it was locked again. Great.

"This conversation isn't done yet," Stark began, his voice raising in frustration. I let out a snort at all of them.

"Fine. If you're all so worried, I'll tell you why I'm here. Maybe you want to hear about a drug problem you think I can somehow afford, or I'm working for some random enemy, or that I'm secret assassin here to kill all of you, but that's not the truth. The truth is I'm here to make money so I can get out of the system, so I can afford to eat three meals a day, and actually get to sleep in a real bed. I'm sorry if I don't look like the stuck up pricks downstairs, but this is the hand I've been dealt, so either get over it or fucking get rid of me already!" I was breathing heavy from the fury that I felt swirling inside of me, begging to be released. 

Before anyone could say anything, I turned to the elevator and activated the loophole I put in earlier to stop shit like this from happening again.

"Activate protocol Abra-fucking-dabra." The doors whooshed open and I stepped in, pulling my backpack higher on my back. I turned just in time to hold up both of my middle fingers as the doors shut on their surprised faces.

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