Universe Two: Part One

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Tw: some gore

I slowly blinked my eyes back open, the pain in my head now almost completely gone. Well, that didn't go according to plan in the slightest.

"Hey!" The man, Spencer, called out, making me turn my gaze to him. "What did you mean earlier?" I groaned as I sat up, my hand drifting back down to my ribs.

"Exactly what I said," I shifted my eyes over to the chain around my ankle. It shouldn't be that hard to break through, just a simple iron cuff that looked slightly rusted.

"And how do you plan to do that? You can't even sit up. You should lay back down, my team should be here soon."

"Excuse me if I don't trust that." I slipped my fingers into both sides of the cuff, ripping it into two halves. I barely even had to strain.

"Holy shit," Spencer muttered, staring at me with wide eyes. "Wait, are you from a different universe?" I turned slowly toward him.

"How in the hell did you know that?"

"We met a girl a while ago who was from somewhere else. Her name was Abigail, I think."

"Oh, I know her. We aren't from the same universe, but I've met her before." I gestured to his cuff. "You want me to bust you out of that or do you want to wait for your team?" Even in the darkness, I could see him turn red.

"If you don't mind." I ripped his cuff off before turning my focus to the metal bars. I grabbed one of them and just ripped it out of place. I was planning on bending it enough to slip through, but that works too. Once I had gotten rid of another bar, we were able to walk out with ease.

"So, you're superhuman like Abigail?" I glanced down the hallway, making sure there weren't any thugs down there. If I didn't have to worry about Spencer, I would've just phased out of here. But I now had a random human to look after.

"Yeah, pretty much. I'm a bit different from her though." We started walking down the hall, going for the door at the very end. Heavy footsteps sounded from behind the door, but I wasn't worried about it.

"Get behind me," I told him, releasing my extra limbs. I hid him behind my wings, hoping that would protect him from any stray bullets.

Three men stormed in, guns trained on me. "Get on the ground!" One yelled at me, preparing to shoot me. I could see the fear in his eyes.

"I'm good," I laughed, reaching out and grabbing his molecules. I threw him back into the wall, hitting it with a satisfying crack. I felt the other two open fire, but I clenched my fist and made their guns explode in their hands. Shrapnel pierced their flesh, sending them crashing to the floor, dead.

"You alright?" I asked Spencer, turning to face him. He was just staring, slack jawed. "I'm going to take that as a yes." I began to walk for the door again, trying my best to not step in any blood.

"How did you do that?" He called out, scrambling to follow me.

"A bit of magic and a bit of science."

"That makes no sense."

"I don't think it's supposed to." As we turned down another hallway, there were more footsteps making their way toward us. I tensed, ready to fight again as a flash of light blinded me. I raised my hands, about to send them flying, when Spencer spoke up.

"Wait! That's my team!" I blinked the spots away, now seeing the letters FBI written across their vests.

"Your FBI?" I asked, shooting a confused glance his way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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