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tw: panic attack, gore, and flashbacks

It was at least 30 minutes before we were all able to pull ourselves together. Even after that time, Peter was still shaking and I couldn't stop fidgeting, which consisted of me cracking my knuckles until I couldn't anymore and then dislocating them and popping them back into place. Wade usually got mad at me, but even he was upset at this point. 

"How did this happen?" I managed to whisper, trying not to break down again. After my vomit session, Wade had given me water to wash the taste out of my mouth, so I would prefer to not let that come up again. Memories pushed harshly behind my eyes, but the pain in my hands kept me grounded.

"I don't know!" Peter shouted, dropping to the floor with his head in his hands. "I don't know what to do!" I turned away from him, trying to keep myself together. If I fell apart then there was no chance to get them back. Only I knew the details of this shit.

After a while of more painful silence that was only broken by Peter's rough breathing, Wade spoke. "We should go back to the tower," he muttered, turning to face me. "That way, we can regroup and start figuring out what happened." I felt myself nod, but my mind was slipping down a deep hole, the darkness reaching up and wrapping itself around my limbs with a cool calm.

"Celeste?" I blinked and saw Wade standing in front of me, holding my elbows. "You still there?"

"Yeah." No. "Lets go." I need to sleep. I need to forget. I couldn't do this. I just need to get as far away as possible. I need-

"Come on," my thoughts were broken by Wade tugging slightly on my arm. Somehow, I managed to get downstairs and into the awaiting car. I figured that Peter would've gotten someone to drive him here. 

"Who are these people?" The driver asked as we all piled in. 

"They are going to help, Happy." Peter looked worse by the second, so I slipped my hand into his, hoping it would help both of us.

"What are these two kids going to do?" Oh hell no. That managed to snap me out of the stupor I had been in since Peter got here.

"More than you could even dream of," I muttered, using my powers to jerk his head back to hit the seat behind him. I watched him snap around to stare at me, but I just glared back

"What are you?"

"Your worse fucking nightmare." I again used my abilities to jerk him back around. "Drive." My voice had reached a new low, making me sound scarier than I felt. 

That encounter had allowed for me start thinking clearly, which led to me thinking about how They could have contained all of them. They could have used the sedative's that they had used on me. Those meds were made to work even with my healing and fast metabolism, which could explain how my fam- the Avengers were captures. I needed more coffee for this bullshit.

By the time we got there, I had managed to wrestle all of the horrible memories to the back of my mind. I practically dragged Peter inside with Wade following behind us with his hood up and head down. We all managed to get into the elevator alone and get up to the top floor. 

Taking a deep breath as the doors opened, I stepped out. It looked..... normal. If I didn't know any better, I wouldn't know anything was wrong. At least, until Pepper ran in crying.

"Have you seen them?" She cried, running up to Peter and grabbing his arms. "I can't find them! Friday won't let me see the tapes and I need to know what happened!" Peter just stared back, his eyes filled with tears.

"We'll find them," I whispered, touching her shoulder gently. Pepper glanced up at me before shaking her head.

"No, I can't lose you too as well. I'll call Happy and he'll-he'll," I quickly grabbed her up in a hug as she broke down fully. I slipped my presence into her head, digging around for a second before knocking her unconscious. 

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