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By the time I arrived at the tower, I was later than I had intended. It didn't matter to much to me if I was on time, but I definitely hated running away from fucking Stark. He somehow seemed to know my usual route, so I had to take a slightly longer way. Lucky for me, it passed right by a small corner store, so I now have a bag full of snacks. I used up the rest of my money since I was planning on getting a lot more by the end of the week.

I munched on a bag of jerky as I walked through the lobby to the elevator. I fucking love this stuff, but I could never afford it.

"Your eating habits are going to catch up to you one day!" Lilith sighed in my ear. I snorted, shoving more food in my mouth. As long as I was eating something, I really didn't care.

I set my back down as the doors closed in front of me. Who knew walking here was going to be so tiring! Even though I was eating again, it sure wasn't enough. I guess if I wanted to go patrolling tonight, I would have to eat dinner with them. It killed me inside, but it was better than being completely dead. 

I made a quick pit stop to the intern floor long enough to grab a cup of coffee and throw away my trash. No one even glanced my way as I got back into the elevator. Good. I hated explaining myself. I took a long swig of my coffee as the doors whooshed open.

The room was completely empty, which was fine with me. I didn't want to even look at them any more than I had to. I quickly retraced my steps from the other day, leading myself to the lab. There was just one thing I didn't account for. The face scanner.

I groaned as I tried, and failed, to get the scanner to let me in. I knew I could hack around it, but I was so tired. I dropped my back pack and sat down next to it, leaning on the wall. I sipped my coffee, trying to get the caffine to kick in. As soon as I got that extra kick, I would be fine. Until then, I just had to wait.

I curled both of my hands around the cup, trying to suck all the heat out of it. I was all skin and bones, so I was cold constantly. It couldn't be helped. 

I got a small jolt of energy, so I decided to at least get my computer out. I pulled it out of my bag and got it started up. 

"Theres someone coming around the corner," Lilith told me. I nodded slowly, tapping a few keys to begin gaining access to the security system. 

I finally heard the footsteps and saw a pair of boots stop in front of me. I glaned up to see the glorious golden boy standing over me, frowing slightly. I turned my gaze back down before speaking.

"Do you need something?" I asked, destorying the scanners system quickly and efficiently.

"Yes." He then paused, still looking at me but without saying anything.

"Well?!" I snapped after waiting for a minute. I was almost in, so he had to make this quick. Again, no answer. He seemed to be lost in thought. I rolled my eyes as the door clicked open. "Let me know when you come back online." I grabbed my stuff and stood, making my way into the lab. When I had almost made it, he spoke.

"Whats your angle?" He asked, causing me to stop and snap my head around.

"What the hell are you talking about?" 

"What are you planning to do to us? Steal secrects? Find drugs? What are you doing here if you hate us so much?" I moved into his personal space, my body feeling like it was on fire. 

"I plan on getting enough money to get the hell out of here alive." With that, I stepped into the lab and slammed the door in his face. 

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