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I groaned as I heard my alarm go off. I blearily groped around for my phone, finally managing to hit the snooze button. I was quite proud of this phone. I had built it out of scrap parts, just as I had done with all the rest of my tec. But, that still didn't make me hate my stupid alarm any less.

I picked up my phone and checked the date. Damn! How was it already Monday?! I groaned loudly before rolling out of the bed and onto the floor. I fucking hate school.


I quickly made my way out of the apartment and down to the street. I had thrown on some of the random clean clothes I had in my backpack, which happened to be my "brother's" favorite sweatshirts. Twenty one pilots, but he didn't even listen to their music. He just liked the design, which I thought was stupid. I had also gotten out a pair of my own ripped jeans. Well, they were regular jeans that I had worn too much and now had huge holes in them. I mean, it looked fine and I couldn't afford any more, so I just went with it. All of this paired with my beaten up black high tops and I was ready to go.

Or, at least I thought I was.

As I began walking, I noticed a black car that started to follow me. I clenched my fists closed, ready to kick some ass if anyone tried to grab me. But, even that would have been better than who was actually in the car. 

"Celeste!" A voice called out to me. I cringed, knowing exactly who it was. 

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath as I began to walk faster. Sadly, the car simply pulled ahead of me and prevented me from going any father by swinging to door open directly in my path. I rolled my eyes as Stark slid out of the car. I placed my hands on my hips as I glared at him.

"What the hell do you want?" He grinned at me before speaking.

"I thought I would drop by and give you a ride along with Peter."

"Yeah right. Now get out of my way. You're going to make me late." I didn't really care if I was late or not, but I certainly didn't want a ride from him. I tired to move around him and the door, but he stepped in front of me.

"You won't be late if you come with us." I glanced in the car to see a bright red Peter trying to cover his face with his hands. 

"No thanks. I'll walk." I shoved past him, quickly turning down an alleyway. I had been this way many times before and knew how to lose them in seconds. I could hear the car trying to follow me as I walked toward the wall at the end of alley. I got a running start, jumped onto a big garbage can, grabbed onto the bottom of a fire escape, and swung myself up onto a window sill. From there, it was a simple jump to the top of the wall and down to the ground for me to get away.  Yes, the fall from the tall brick structure would've injured most people, thank god I wasn't them. 

I waited until I heard the car turn around to climb up a ladder on the wall and jump back over. Now, they would be looking in a completely different spot then my normal route. I smiled to myself as I continued my walk to my fresh new hell.


Peter was no where to be seen as I made my way into the school and neither was Stark. Either he had simply dropped Peter off and left, or they were still out looking for me. I smiled at the thought.

Stark had one the one good thing for me last night by sending me all the stuff I would need to know about the school. I didn't have to go to the office since I already had my schedule and my locker number/code, so I went straight to my locker.

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