Asgard Day 4: Part 3

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"Wow," I whispered as we walked into the palace. "They already fixed everything?" I knew I had broken almost every window in the place, but now they were all back, good as new.

"Using magic always helps," Loki chuckled, leading me through the twisting hallways. "Come on, they are all upstairs." I nodded as we climbed the many, MANY, stairs.

"How many fucking stairs could this place have!" I exclaimed after a while. "I mean, seriously, this is too much!" Loki laughed at that.

"We are almost there."

"We better be," I growled, still nervous about going back. I didn't know what everyone was going to say.

When we got closer, I could hear everyone yelling at each other. I just rolled my eyes and listened to what they were saying.


"I COULDN'T FIND HER. I don't know where she would've gone and she isn't showing up on any cameras anywhere. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!" Tony yelled back.

"You're telling me that with ALL OF YOUR FUCKING TECH you couldn't find ONE GIRL?"

"YES. She's keeping herself hidden pretty fucking good. AND IT'S NOT LIKE YOU'RE MUCH HELP! You've known her longer, SO WHERE WOULD SHE GO?" I rounded the corner to see the two men in each others faces, Wade still with his costume on and Tony in a regular suit. They looked completely furious with each other. Everyone else was sitting around the room either looking at computer screens or the scene right in from of them.

"It's not like I fucking STALK HER!"

"So she just does what she wants? ALL THE TIME?"

"IT'S NOT LIKE I HAVE A CHOICE! I'd like to see you try and stop her!"

"YOU SOUND LIKE ONE SHITTY FRIEND, WADE!" I saw Wade reach for a katana, so I decided to step in.

Before Wade could seriously hurt Tony, I sent him flying back into the wall.

"So I leave for a day and all of you lose your shit?" I asked, my lower arms resting on my hips. The whole room went quiet as they stared slack jawed at me. "What? Cat got your tongue?" I was quickly swept up in a bone crushing hug from Wade. 

"It's OK, I don't need ribs," I groaned in his hold. His grip didn't falter, so I just hugged him back. I felt more and more arms joining the hug. 

"OK, OK! Enough of this!" I chuckled as I pushed everyone away. "Did you all really miss me that much?" That's when Wade shoved me back a few steps.

"You BITCH!" He yelled, reaching over to push me again. "You-you can't just run off and-and expect us to be just fine with it!" I just rolled my eyes as I blocked the next push.

"Really, Wade? You hit like a baby, and it's not like I've had exactly the best week. I just needed some space to breathe!"


"Out of all of the people in this room, you do you think could handle themselves out in the 'big bad world'"

"I wasn't worried about someone hurting you, I was worried about you hurting yourself." The whole room went silent.

"It doesn't make a difference, Wade. You of all people should know that." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I knew even before turning around it was Fraida, but I couldn't look at her right now. I was afraid if I did, I would start crying.

"So then where did you go? The same place you always go when shit like this happens? You just RUN AWAY, Celeste! To the only place I can't find you, which you refuse to tell me but you apparently just showed LOKI OF ALL PEOPLE!" I slapped him, hard, trying to knock some sense into him.

"What the HELL WADE! It's not like I fucking invited him! What was I supposed to say? 'Hey, here is the place I was held hostage from ages 8 to 14. Hey, here is the graves of my son and girlfriend. You wanna come see it?'" The silence was deafening. It roared through my ears like the ocean, loud and unrelenting.

"Celeste," Wade whispered, reaching for me. "Did-did that really happen?"

"Oh, grow up Wade. Of course it did and you know it. They did a lot of shit to me, so why are you so surprised?"

"That's awful," I heard Bucky mutter.

"OH GROW UP!" I screamed, turning toward him. "Get over your FUCKING SAVIOR COMPLEX AND GROW UP! Shit happens and you have to get over it to keep going. I had to, you had to, EVERYONG IN THIS ROOM HAD TO! Don't act like I'm-I'm some stupid broken bird that you need to help, because I'm not." I felt Tony replace Fraida's hand with his, so I turned and slapped his hand away.

"Don't you DARE." I snarled, pushing him back. "God! Is that all you people can think about? NEWSFLASH, I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP SO GET OVER IT!" My chest heaved as I calmed down from the yelling. I felt every pair of eyes on me, burning into my skin. It was so hot in here. When did it get so hot in here?

I dissolved and shot into the sky, trying to escape their stares. My skin crawled and eyes burned with unshed tears. I was so tired of crying.

Hey, so I am having some writers block with the new school year starting, so here is the little bit I wrote before then for you! I'm hoping to have the next chapter out in a week or two for you guys though!!! Thanks to everyone who interacts with this story!!!


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