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I bolted out of the classroom as soon as the last bell rang. I couldn't wait to leave this hell hole and go do something productive. I watched which door Peter walked out, and then took a completely different one. I was not about to be cornered by Stark again.

As I walked out of school, I quickly put in my earpiece for Lilith. 

"Finally!" She exclaimed. "I thought that would never be over."

"My thought exactly." I had to keep my voice down to stop myself from sounding crazy, but there really wasn't anyone near me anyway. 

I was walking down the street, chatting with Lilith and avoiding Stark, when I saw them. Flash and his gang of idiots leaning on a wall and glaring at me. 

"Celeste........" Lilith warned.

"I see them," I muttered before walking right up to them. "Hi boys!" I smiled when Flash pushed himself off of the wall and stormed toward me. 

"That was some stunt you pulled today." He crossed his arms, clearly trying to scare me. Yeah right. I've beaten people three times his size with four of my arms tied around my back. This was going to be easy as pie.

"I'm glad to know that you liked it." 

"Celeste! Don't do this here!" I ignored Lilith, staring straight at Flash. He smirked at me. 

"I think its time that we put you in your place, right boys?" They all laughed, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Oh dear lord! Please save me from the clichés!" I giggled as Flash's face fell. 

"You think that's funny, bitch?!" I got in inch from his face, smiling, before speaking.

"Hell. Yes." 

Flash tried to punch me in the face, growling angrily, but I simply dodged it. While he stood there with a confused look on his face, I grabbed his arm, twisted it and kicked him in the side, sending him crashing to the ground. 

"Whoops!" I giggled, turning my attention to the rest of the group. "Whos next?" 

Another just ran at me, intending to tackle me, but I just stepped out of the way, watching him crash face first into a parked car. 

"You bitch!" The next screamed as the remaining three surrounded me. I rolled my eyes.

"You need to work on your insults. And your threats cause I'm not impressed." As soon as I finished speaking, they all rushed at me, trying to take me by surprise. I kicked the one to my right in the face, sending him flying. Using my momentum, I flipped backwards, both of my feet hitting the second guy in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. The third guy again tried to punch me, but I dodged it and landed a quick one right to his nose. He stumbled back, gripping is bloody nose and moaning, joining the rest of his friends on the floor. 

"This has been fun, but I've got places to be. I wouldn't recommend trying this again, but I'm always up for a little practice." With that, I turned around and left, Lilith congratulating me in my ear.

Trying to find homeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora